Why Has My Piggie Got Excess Skin Hanging From Her Belly And Hair Loss?

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New Born Pup
Dec 11, 2014
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Hello, I'm new to the forum!
Can a
I've had my pig, Peaches, for 5 and a half years and she's been healthy up until now. But yesterday I noticed she'd quite rapidly developed excess/hanging skin under her belly and between her front legs, she looks she's developed lots of fat in these areas. Her belly is big, but not tympanic or painful. She's pooing, eating and drinking fine, in fact she seems extremely hungry all the time. She's also losing hair over her front legs and over the skin that's hanging down between her front legs. Please see picture attached. Is it a hernia or prolapse? Could it be cushings?

Thank you to anyone who can help x

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Peaches is quite an old piggie now at 5.5 years. A lot of older piggies do develop a dew lap under the chin. It is a "fatty" thing and nothing to worry about.
I am not sure, but the loose skin under her belly is probably the same sort of thing. The hair loss may be due to the skin rubbing against her legs. Maybe Wiebke can tell you more.
Thank you 7squeakers. I think you're right the hair loss is probably due to the skin rubbing. I think she's itching/licking as well, maybe where the rubbed skin is sore.. I'll put on some sudocream. Yes she's a little old lady
I wouldn't put Sudocrem on it as she will probably lick it off, and I' not sure if its safe for them to eat. Doubt it.
To sooth the soreness, I would just wash the skin with cool water. She's a grand old dame at 5.5 years. Lets hope she's got a few more years yet.
Its so sad watching them grow old.
I would get her checked by a vet as it could be one of a variety of different things, especially as she has hair loss.
I would agree with helen105281 - Peaches does need to be examined by your veterinarian!

However, my initial thoughts are that Peaches has dental issues, and should have her teeth examined by a cavy-savvy veterinarian - I imagine that Peaches excess skin is due to recent weight loss, as Peaches is unable to eat correctly/ enough food to maintain her previous weight. . . The increased appetite, and drooling (It appears that Peaches has a wet chin/dewlap in the above photograph?!) would support this theory also!

The hair loss could be due to friction/rubbing. . . However, due to the increased moisture that develops in skin folds, a candidiasis/fungal infection is quite plausible . . . Mites are also a possibility!

Evidently, Peaches has been well cared for. . . And, perhaps, slightly spoiled where food is concerned?!

Nevertheless, as helen105281 has said, the excess skin/hair loss could be due to a variety of reasons - Therefore, please have Peaches examined by your veterinarian/ by a cavy-savvy veterinarian as soon as possible!

Tagging @furryfriends Excellent Adventure Sanctuary
Thanks everyone. Her dew lap is wet because she's just had a drink. I'll get her checked :-)
I have a sow about 5 yrs old and she developed a "baggy belly" within a week!- (she is now knicknamed "baggy belly Bea" ) - luckily one of my other pigs was under the vet at the time and all of them had had a health check with her only a week before - so a needle aspiration was taken and vet looked at it under the microscope there and then - and it was just "an old lady laying down fat cells" - this was about 18 months ago now - it doesnt seem to impeded her at all.
Yes it happened really rapidly in Peaches. Her teeth are apparently ok. I guess we need to enter a new syndrome into the Guinea pig health book called 'Old lady baggy belly syndrome'! I'm glad your sow is still well
I hope everything is okay. She is so gorgeous.

Maybe it is something simple like she's just getting old. 5.5 what a fab age!
I mean it happens to humans so why not animals too.
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