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Why does my Guinea pig keep hooting?


New Born Pup
Jan 30, 2023
Reaction score
New York
I have a sick Guinea pig with ring worm. He makes hooting sounds often and sneezes on occasion. I cleaned out his enclosure and removed the hay dust. I also use antifungals on his ring worm which has gotten much better but the most alarming is the hooting I’m not sure what to do. Any tips?
I’m currently working on getting him to the vet. i have three Guinea pigs. One was diagnosed with ring worm about a week ago but then all of them started showing signs of it as well. They are currently separated so I assumed he just got the ring worm too.
Please have them all seen by a vet so they can all be prescribed the correct treatment.
Ringworm is highly contagious and requires stringent hygiene alongside the treatment to stop the spread.

You say you are using ‘anti-fungal on the ringworm’. What treatment have you been prescribed?
Dont be tempted to use creams on ringworm as it isn’t effective as spores sit in a wider area on the body and consequently get missed by creaming, spores get shed and continues the reinfection. Ringworm spores can live in the environment for a couple of years.
The best treatment to be prescribed is oral introfungol with anti fungal bathing being is the next thing.

The guide below details hoŵ to deal with ringworm effectively.

Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures

The breathing issue could be anything from a bit of hay dust in the airways to a respiratory infection requiring antibiotic treatment.
If the noise is coming from his nose then it is often hay dust. A big sneeze from piggy can clear it and the issue goes away. Any noise from the chest is more serious and requires treatment.
However, the vet needs to diagnose the issue as breathing issues always need to be checked out.
I'd get them all to the vet for a check over. It may not be ringworm, or there could be a respiratory infection going round.
I'd get them all to the vet for a check over. It may not be ringworm, or there could be a respiratory infection going round.
He has stopped the hooting now it’s been an hour and he hasn’t done it since. I’m going to take him to the vet tomorrow just to make sure there’s nothing serious going on