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Why does My guinea pig have crusty eyes?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Our eldest piggie Hazel has a little crust in one eye not too bad, just a little. She's never had this before so I thought that was weird, She's about 3 years old so I don't know if this is because she's aging. I also noticed that she sneezed a few times (which she always does), but she's still active and acting the same.
Our eldest piggie Hazel has a little crust in one eye not too bad, just a little. She's never had this before so I thought that was weird, She's about 3 years old so I don't know if this is because she's aging. I also noticed that she sneezed a few times (which she always does), but she's still active and acting the same.


Are you dealing with a milky white crust (i.e. not fully reabsorbed cleaning fluid), a translucent crust from dried tear fluid, which indicates an irritation or injury in the eye that the watery fluid is trying to wash out or thick green/yellow/orangey mucussy crusts (which is the result of a well developed infection of the upper respiratory tract). Please be aware that those thick crusts the consequence of an untreated infection and not a symptom that is connected with the onset of a bacterial respiratory infection. Since guinea pigs don't have viral colds like humans, sneezing is only a symptom of a URI if it happens lots of times in an hour for hours on end and is not just a one-off sneeze to clear the nose at the end of a piggy wash or a one-off sneezing fit to get an irritant our of the nose.

Does this help you? New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites
She doesn't sneeze crazily maybe every few hours but not every hour and she doesn't do it every minute if you know what I mean, The crust I'm dealing with is not mucusy but it is a light tannish color. She's acting very normal and active, shes eating and drinking and there are no other symptoms of URI here.