Why does Honkalula vibrate?

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Sep 16, 2007
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Why does Honkalula vibrate? What does it mean, is she cold, scared or happy? I am worried about her.
Any advice please
How long have you had her?
Is she confident with you yet?

The most common reason is that she is scared. If it’s when she’s on your knee put a fleece on your lap, make her feel safe and secure, try feeding her some veg.

My boys did this for the first few weeks, I was actually upset, these are my first pigs and they hated me. They get over it though, and so did I. just keep making them feel safe and they will learn to trust you. The vibrating will stop.
Fleur vibrates if I stroke her back end, it could be because she is fearful of being mounted, she doesn't act scared usually shes very friendly and sweet pig.

I put it down to them saying you aren't making me happy here. Twinks always rumbles at me, he gets annoyed at everything at the mo. It's nothing to worry about, you haven't had her long she may settle.

Flora has never rumbled and me neither has Sunshine or Pudsey and Eccles. I guess they are all different. :)
Maggie vibrated when we first got her, none of the others ever did so it suprised me! We noticed she only did it if someone talked loudly! So i think its a fear thing, shes probably just nervous and a bit scared because its all new to her :) she'll soon settle in :) xxxxx
Is she rumbling or vibrating like a little phone?! ;D all mine rumble when they're being narks but its only Maggie who actually vibrated! If its rumbling she's probably just telling you to get off ;D if its vibrating like a mobile i think shes probably a bit scared :)
Ah so there is a difference between rumbling and vibrating? :o
I'd say so! There is no noise with the vibrate and they actually feel like a little phone bless them, its more like a buzz ;D the rumble is slower and lasts longer, vibrations are like little buzzes :)
Ah gotcha, thanks Emma! No mine don't do that, just rumble to tell me they are the boss! :)
she is not making any noise, she has buried herself in my jumper and she is fine, I noticed she likes hiding under the hay, so I think she is scared and shy, she has only been with us for 2 days.
Bless her, she will settle soon. It's all new, I realise Pigs dont like new things. I made a megablock igloo for the girls last night and it freaked them out!...lol
Don't worry, my Chewy still rumbles all the time, usually when he is being ignored ::)

She is probally just scared, she will settle soon. When you have her out for cuddles give her some veg so she learns she is safe and cuddles are good :smitten:
So it is nothing to do with this big spot which has appeared on my chin, as my OH just pointed out :'(
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