Why do all my pigs fall out?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, I need some advice as I’m getting a bit desperate. I currently have 4 pigs, 2 who live separately but next to each other because they fell out, and 2 who are currently together but fighting and I think a separation is imminent. In each pair there is a clear dominant and submissive pig so if I had to separate the 2 younger ones I could try and pair them up but I just will not know what to do if it doesn’t work. My main fear is my oldest pig Eddie (I think he’s around 4 if not older) being bullied by Spider who is the aggressor in the current fighting pair. I don’t want to put him through that as he’s getting on and he is the sweetest boy but he gone through 2 failed bondings in the last couple of years and I’d never forgive myself if he got hurt or sad from attempting to put him with Spider. I don’t know if the problem just feels exacerbated due to the fact that I’ve had to move back in with my parents for a while after a breakup and I’m sharing a bedroom with the pigs so I can hear everything that goes on. There hasn’t been any blood drawn yet between Spider and Eugene but spider is constantly chasing him and I’m pretty confident that he eats the majority of the food as he’s huge compared to Eugene. I just don’t know why I can never keep a pair together ☹️ they are in a 6x2 c&c and have 2 of everything so it must just be a personality thing.
Sending you hugs.
First I went to assure you that you are not doing anything wrong - you aren’t to blame for a pairing of piggies falling out.

Can I ask how long it’s been since you moved with the piggies to your parents? I ask this because when changing environment the piggies go into a period of reestablishing their bond and this displays as increased dominance. This process takes around two weeks so if it is within that period since you moved with them then the chasing may simply be because of that and not necessarily a failing bond.

Are you weighing them routinely every week? Spider being physically bigger doesn’t necessary mean Eugene is not getting any food - spider may simply be genetically bigger