Why can't they mind their own business!

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Oct 29, 2010
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Okay. I am SERIOUSLY mad. I am on this other piggy forum and they just can't keep to themselves. I've been called a minor and JUDGED because I left a post and never responded for months. "oh , she just lying to make us feel sad for her"! I posted that when my piggies died! can't people just feel a little sympathetic? I lost 3 BEST FRIENDS and they can't even say sorry for my loss! then they judge me by saying "don't get more piggies because you never cared for your past ones ". I was YOUNG ! And then they go on "so if your parents won't let you adopt, you'll go back and buy a pet store pig?" Well maybe that's my only choice! I may not have parents like them but at least they care about the piggies too!
then it's how I want to buy a cage on Ebay and they say "they use unsafe grids". Well apparently this person knows everything about buying c&c cages even though she specifically states that she built her cages from scratch!

*sorry for bad grammar. I was using my iPod*
rolleyes I may have an idea what forum your reffering too. Never mind, just don't use that forum problem solved!

We all have freedom of choice afterall use it :)!
I have only EVER found this forum and a forum i am on for skinnies to be nice forums. Every other forum ive ever joined has been quite aggressive to the point where I have been scared to voice an opinion as the members who have been there ages 'bully' newer members and I have inevitabley left in end.

Just come on this forum love, you know where you are here:) everyone is helpful and lovely!
I forgot to say, I do however agree rescue is best. As often guinea pigs in pet shops are ill or pregnant. I agree every pig deserves a home but each time a guinea pig is sold it then replaced with a new one. Some are bred in awful conditions (breeding Mills). Maybe if you reaearched more about rescue pigs and were able to show your parents the facts and some awful true stories about piggies. They would perhaps agree rescue is best. Especially as the rescues are always swamped with pigs!

Good luck on your search. I do find if I can provide my facts and a valid point, I get a yes much faster. :)
I too think I know what forum your reffering too. I tend not to go there anymore because people on there are so judgmental. I do however agree rescue is best. I personally dont think Id buy a petshop pig now. Also most shop brought cages are no where near big enough, and some grids for c&c cages have gaps that are too wide, and can cause death.
This forum is friendly enough so just stay here :) lol x
Which forum are you referring to? Someone please PM me. The reason I ask is because I received some real nastiness from one once and no longer visit there.

Stick to this forum as everyone is really friendly xx
Ahh i hate forums like that. I remember once on a wedding forum one girl in particular seem to just pick on me all the time, I stopped going on for a while because she really wound me up!
Some people are just out to be a pain in the arse at times.

Ignore them hun and stay here with us, everyone is lovely and ive not once come across anyone being horrible towards me etc.

Love Stacey x
Thank you guys. And then I get this reply:

I hope you change your mind in the coming years about wanting to become a vet because if you can't take proper care of your own animals, you'd be putting many other animals lives at risk with poor care practices.

Can't they just realize that I was YOUNG! OK, my parents hadn't realized that my Pigs would get sick like they did and at the time when they got sick, we were having money problems but MOST of my piggies problems got over themselves! They all visted the vet but they weren't sick when they did. I kept their nails trimmed and everything! And yet they can't put the past behind them?

Sorry for the rant. Claire, if I could PM you I would but I can't.
I too think I know what forum your reffering too. I tend not to go there anymore because people on there are so judgmental. I do however agree rescue is best. I personally dont think Id buy a petshop pig now. Also most shop brought cages are no where near big enough, and some grids for c&c cages have gaps that are too wide, and can cause death.
This forum is friendly enough so just stay here :) lol x

I do agree rescuing is best and it may just be my Dad that agrees and I CAN adopt and I'm trying NOT to pay $35 just to get 1 Piggy at a Pet store. But since I'm really at my parents, they make the decisions where I get my pigs since all HS's require someone 18 or older to sign for adoption.
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