Why are my piggies vibrating when I'm holding them?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 10, 2018
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Everytime I hold Oreo, she starts vibrating, and I'm not sure if it's because she's cold, scared, or relaxed. Theres no noise that comes with it, its just the vibrating.. any ideas?
She’s probably a bit frightened as she’s not used to being cuddled, my pigs used to do this when I first starting bringing them out for cuddles. To help her feel more relaxed you could put a blanket or towel on your lap and sort of fold it on top of her if that makes sense, so she’s not just out in the open and feel protected until she gets more used to you
A vibrating piggy is a very scared piggy. Try to limit lap time to a few minutes at a time and slowly build it up.so that she gets used to it. Picking her up in something and keeping her in it will lessen the stress for her.
I agree with the above. Dot started doing this after a vet visit involving general anasthetic
Puggle did this when she had bloaty tummy pains... if we held her in a snuggle sack sleeping bag type thing it helped.
You could also try alongside the above, offering treats (fresh herbs for example), this kind of distracts them and makes them realise being held is not so bad. However, if they are scared stiff they may not take any food from you but it worked for me in the past.
I find that if you offer food, they soon realise they are not the food 👍
My newest piggie Jasmine does this, I found that if I get her out with Anna, her cage mate, she is a lot less scared. I have gotten them out together for a couple weeks and now Jasmine is warming up to me when I get her out alone.7A758100-8B5A-4EFA-8F7A-2E1A78B83416.webp
My newest piggie Jasmine does this, I found that if I get her out with Anna, her cage mate, she is a lot less scared. I have gotten them out together for a couple weeks and now Jasmine is warming up to me when I get her out alone.View attachment 100230
They are very cute! Is Jasmine the skinny pig? It could actually be that she is cold from the lack of hair? But I’m no expert, I’ve not had skinny pigs before.
A vibrating piggy is a very scared piggy. Try to limit lap time to a few minutes at a time and slowly build it up.so that she gets used to it. Picking her up in something and keeping her in it will lessen the stress for her.
I agree, start off slowly. We have had several over the years... just takes time and patience
They are very cute! Is Jasmine the skinny pig? It could actually be that she is cold from the lack of hair? But I’m no expert, I’ve not had skinny pigs before.
Yes she is the skinny pig, she could be cold, but she has done it even when I wrap her up and have her out alone.