Who's The Boss?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Jambo is the husboar to Primrose and new addition Margaret.

I did think that Primrose would be in charge but, judging by his behaviour towards the girls, it looks to me like Jambo is in charge. He does his rumblestrutting, often turfs Margaret out of her bed (am I right in thinking this is him making sure she knows she is lower ranking than him?), will stop them getting to the food bowl and water (I have 2 of each). Margaret often lets out a submissive whistle.

Are boars always dominant of a group or does it vary with their personalities?
Jambo is the husboar to Primrose and new addition Margaret.

I did think that Primrose would be in charge but, judging by his behaviour towards the girls, it looks to me like Jambo is in charge. He does his rumblestrutting, often turfs Margaret out of her bed (am I right in thinking this is him making sure she knows she is lower ranking than him?), will stop them getting to the food bowl and water (I have 2 of each). Margaret often lets out a submissive whistle.

Are boars always dominant of a group or does it vary with their personalities?

It varies according to their personality and the group dynamics. I have got both dominant and submissive boars.

I am not sure whether he is more dominant than Primrose, as rumblestrutting with sows is wooing (showing off what a strapping lad he is to entice sows to mate with them when they are in season) and not necessarily dominance, but he is most certainly making sure that he is higher ranked than Margaret. My guess is that he is #2, as he is the one exhibiting dominance behaviour towards the new arrival. That is typical for the piggy just ranked above any newbie wherever that one slots into the existing hierarchy.
It varies according to their personality and the group dynamics. I have got both dominant and submissive boars.

I am not sure whether he is more dominant than Primrose, as rumblestrutting with sows is wooing (showing off what a strapping lad they are to entice sows to mate with them when they are in season) and not necessarily dominance, but he most certainly making sure that he is higher ranked than Margaret. My guess is that he is #2, as he is the one exhibiting dominance behaviour towards the new arrival. That is typical for the piggy just ranked above any newbie wherever that one slots into the existing hierarchy.

Thanks for this - it's very helpful and actually makes complete sense with my lot!
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