Who has a two-level (or more) C&C?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Okay then who has a two level C&C cage? atm the piggies are in a 2x6 c&c but I want to add another level - I was thinking a 1x6 along the back would be good.

How can I support the extra level though? I mean like what should I put underneath? I know I could add another grid under there to support it but I dunno really wanna do that because then it makes cleaning out awkward for me.

Ideas and pics are good :D

Hi Jane,, mine have got a 1x3 upper level and the others have got a 1x2, i do use other grids to support it but take them out when I'm cleaning out x

This is the girls cage, havent got a clear one of Ralfie and Sephy's
Thanks. I just think it will annoy me taking the grid out all the time to change the bedding (I use fleece at the moment but am thinking of changing to vet bed/profleece).

I guess if I used cable ties then maybe I could fold it up when cleaning out? ?
hhmm, not sure if it would support the weight on cable ties, its never bothered me taking it out becasue its not tightly in takes about 2 seconds to take out and put back in :)
I think cable ties would be fine?...the whole cage is only held together by cable ties anyway lol..it's on a stand (the stand is also made out of grids, only with cable ties) and it's okay...I don't like the connectors, they're pretty useless in my opinion lol :P

edit: okay..I've been looking for pics of two level cages and how they are supported so yeah...

this one is only by a kitchen roll tube I think?

this one is by grids bent into L shapes for support

this one uses a whole grid like you do but uses it length ways rather than the way you do..hmm...I guess this would only work if the second level was 2 grids long though otherwise it's annoying when they want to run round the edge

and this one has no support by the looks of it?
Really they're quite sturdy on their own without anything holding them up but i just had visions of it falling on their heads lol! Cable ties would probably work, i have some cable ties on mine too, just not on the supporting bit. There are some interesting ideas there lol! xx
I think it will like..err..not sure what the word is, but wont it kind of dip down in the middle? Especially because it's going to be 6 grids long?
I really like that second cage! How do you think she gets it to stay so flaming tidy?! I changed all mine about 2 hours ago and you should see them now ::)
Yep mine dipped down, i dont have any support under Ralfie and Sephys but theres is only 2 grids long and it still has a slight dip! xx
;D I reckon they cleaned the piggies out, put the piggies in then took a photo a second later so they didn't have chance to poop anywhere ;D

I think I will add some support....just not sure what yet ?
Yep am looking through pics and getting ideas ;)

I want something that supports it well, is quite small, easy to remove, is convenient and easy to do...;)
thats probably the best cage iv seen, i love it. i wanna do a 2nd level aswell but need more grids! do they use the 2nd level often? x
When mine were in the double decker hutch they always used both levels and were fine with the ramp so I'm hoping they will be if I add another level ;D

Yep I need to get more grids before I can do anything too - think I might ask for some for xmas lol.
Mine? the girls used to but ive made the cage a lot bigger since then so they tend to stay downstairs more, but when they're going mad they love running up and down the ramp, i sometimes catch them asleep upstairs, always in the same places too :smitten: Ralfie hates the upstairs because he's a wimp and wont use the ramp! Sephy is the same as the girls, uses it when hiding from me or having a mad half hour! x
Ahh I understand now I think :D Looks great ;)

Where in the house are they? dunno how you have so much room lol. My bedroom is full of cages ;D ;D
I use a 9mm thick piece of mdf cut a bit bigger than the 2nd level and placed the correx/grids on that. It can be lifted down to clean and put back :) My OH used cable clips (big ones) to secure the cage onto the mdf so it doesn`t move.
Thanks :) they have their own room lol! The cage takes up about 3/4 of one of the spare rooms! Theres only me, my mum and the cat so there's lots of room here :)
Thanks LJ - that sounds ideal :) Also means that it wont take up space underneath to hold it up

jnenbnb - wish I could have a whole room for the piggies lol. Unfortunately we have no spare rooms :( and when/if my brother moves out iI wont be allowd that for them lol ;D

Have thought about getting a shed for them but then I wouldn't see them enough so yeah :-\
I kind of wanted a shed because my mum moans about the hay everywhere so i hoover everyday lol! But when i suggested it she said i was being mean to them! would be nice to have a whole shed to work with though, that spare room is quite small really! x
Yeah a shed would be great but really my parents will say 1) no that's mean (even though they don't like them being in my room? ? lol crazy) and 2) a shed is too expensive 3) where will we put a shed 4) no.

Anyway, have come up with a new plan as to where they can go so hopefully that should work...I hope....
My Piggies live in a shed and it is actually warmer than bedroom because of the heater! and they lobe it and have soo much more room :smitten:
Thats another reason why my mum wont let me have a shed, she says it will costv too much to get the shed, the ground levelled, insulaton and a heater :(
Well we already had a shed :) and it cost about £200 to insulate and then the extra electricity for the heater >:D lol but the piggles lovee it. :smitten:
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