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White spot on guinea pigs nose


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 19, 2020
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, England
Hi, whilst holding Oreo today (about 20 mins ago!) I found a weird spot on her nose. Its white and feels solid, she doesn’t seem in pain when I touch it. I haven’t noticed it before and hold her everyday, so I think it’s appeared very recently. She’s otherwise her normal self, eating and drinking normal. Not sure if it could be fungal or something else, but thought I’d see on here.

She’s coming up to 6 years olds in July and as these are my first pigs I’m very thorough with checking them and always keeping an eye out for any changes in them! I just wanted to check on here to see if anyone has seen this before because if I booked a vet appointment everytime I thought something was wrong i would be skint, I’m a bit of a worrier! I’m planning on taking them both for a checkup in a month but if it’s an emergency can get an appointment sooner.

Any replies or advice are very much appreciated! :nod:


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Hi any new lumps or bumps should be checked by a vet so I advise getting her booked in to have the ‘spot’ checked

Hi, thank you for the reply. We ended up having to book an emergency appointment as she declined quite rapidly. She was unfortunately put to sleep due to lymphoma. 💗
I’m sorry for your loss. 6 is a great age. You’ve obviously given her an amazing life. Take care.
Hi, thank you for the reply. We ended up having to book an emergency appointment as she declined quite rapidly. She was unfortunately put to sleep due to lymphoma. 💗
Oh gosh I’m so sorry that is sad.