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White powdery wee


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
Saffron walden
I’ve noticed quite a lot of patches of white wee recently and I’m sure I know the culprit.
She has been a little quieter than usual recently I’ve noticed too but not crying when she wees or anything.

I’m buying some good bottled water today (the Waitrose own seem to be good but if anyone can recommend anything better that would be great) as I live in a very hard water area.
I’ve been feeding mixed salad leaves recently but will go back to just romaine lettuce but it’s just I find it hard to find any decent green romaine around here recently.
Also I was feeding wheatgrass a lot recently, mainly for my dental pig, should I stop this for Erin too?

I’ve been giving grain free selective pellets as of recently too.

Can anyone recommend a good veg selection I can give please that also isn’t bad for pigs with bloat 🙈
Or I can try and hand feed Erin her veggies if need be.
I do not want abs bladder stones, I lost a pig to this years ago and the vets back then weren’t very good :(


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I’ve noticed quite a lot of patches of white wee recently and I’m sure I know the culprit.
She has been a little quieter than usual recently I’ve noticed too but not crying when she wees or anything.

I’m buying some good bottled water today (the Waitrose own seem to be good but if anyone can recommend anything better that would be great) as I live in a very hard water area.
I’ve been feeding mixed salad leaves recently but will go back to just romaine lettuce but it’s just I find it hard to find any decent green romaine around here recently.
Also I was feeding wheatgrass a lot recently, mainly for my dental pig, should I stop this for Erin too?

I’ve been giving grain free selective pellets as of recently too.

Can anyone recommend a good veg selection I can give please that also isn’t bad for pigs with bloat 🙈
Or I can try and hand feed Erin her veggies if need be.
I do not want abs bladder stones, I lost a pig to this years ago and the vets back then weren’t very good :(


Calcium pees can be a sign of too much or too little calcium in the diet; it is the normal way of the body to excrete any excess/or imbalanced calcium.

Personally, I would not feed lettuce to guinea pig with bloat issues. Cos and Romaine are the same lettuce variety; in case you were wondering. I give my Dylan with his own bloating issues a little fresh coriander/cilantro for trace elements that are not in his pellets; he drinks more water to make up with having less fluid from his veg.