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White lump found in cage


New Born Pup
Aug 15, 2022
Reaction score
Hello, I found these two lumps within my piggies cage this evening (I have one made pig who is castrated and and is 2 1/2 and one female pig who is about 1 1/2). The lump on the left (more brown coloured) is more squishy and wet in texture and the one on the right (white) is harder however still slightly wet feeling and not rock solid. They were both found on opposite ends of the cage so may be completely unrelated! I have previously found harder white lumps in the cage however assumed these were stones within the hay but in high sight they may not have been, these two however were nowhere near any of the hay piles which stays contained to there boxes and defintley are not stones due to the slightly wet texture.

Did anybody have any ideas of what these could be? I was thinking maybe calcium? Neither of my piggies seem in any discomfort and are both eating their hay and now eating their evening veggies.

Thanks in advance (from a very anxious piggie owner!)😊


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Hello, I found these two lumps within my piggies cage this evening (I have one made pig who is castrated and and is 2 1/2 and one female pig who is about 1 1/2). The lump on the left (more brown coloured) is more squishy and wet in texture and the one on the right (white) is harder however still slightly wet feeling and not rock solid. They were both found on opposite ends of the cage so may be completely unrelated! I have previously found harder white lumps in the cage however assumed these were stones within the hay but in high sight they may not have been, these two however were nowhere near any of the hay piles which stays contained to there boxes and defintley are not stones due to the slightly wet texture.

Did anybody have any ideas of what these could be? I was thinking maybe calcium? Neither of my piggies seem in any discomfort and are both eating their hay and now eating their evening veggies.

Thanks in advance (from a very anxious piggie owner!)😊


it looks like dried semen fluid (boar glue) to me? Neutered boars still produce it, just without any semen in it.
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths