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White dot in the eye


New Born Pup
May 8, 2021
Reaction score
Montréal, QC, Canada
Hi everyone,

I noticed a white dot in my boy’s right eye. Is it an ulcer?


  • 0647904A-9AF4-4CCA-9EE5-357104643D55.webp
    29.7 KB · Views: 16
We can’t know whether there is an ulcer or whether there is something else going on - we are not vets so cannot diagnose anything and don’t have access to your piggy. Issues can only be diagnosed by a qualified vet following a hands on check so we can only ever advise that you see a vet for any concerns.
:agr: We cannot diagnose any condition by photo. By law only a vet can diagnose and treat and only after an examination. We are not vets.
Eye issues can deteriorate very quickly so the best advice is to seek veterinary review as soon as possible if you suspect an eye ulcer or any eye issue.
And on a side note the report function is to be used to report problems or issues on the forum either with posts or posters. Reporting because you simply do not like a response that has been given is not an appropriate use of the reporting system. This is a public forum run by volunteers who wish to help you. If you don’t like the advice given you are free to seek advice elsewhere.
I was hoping that someone else going through the same thing would reply. I have found other posts with pictures attached with the same problem on this forum which have been more helpful. I have already made an appointment with a vet btw. Thanks for nothing!
Your question - is this an ulcer - cannot be answered by us. It requires fluorescent dye and correct lighting to be able to determine. Not something owners from a photo can determine.

A issue with a white dot on the eye is that it can be a multitude of things from harmless, cannot be cured to harmful requiring immediate treatment.

Until a diagnosis is made and you know what you are dealing with we can’t advise as we don’t know which posts and which advice is going to be helpful or relevant.

I hope your piggy is ok