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White bluish spot


New Born Pup
Sep 6, 2024
Reaction score
My guinea pig has a white bluish spot on his right eye. There are no doctors for guinea pigs in my area. I need help. Since the spot appeared on his eye, he has been lazy and sleeping a lot. He is 4 years old.
You can add a picture but I’m afraid we can’t actually diagnose anything.

An eye injury will require a hands in check to find out what had happened - it could be something like a hay poke injury which requires antibiotics, lubricants and painkillers (or there could still be hay caught in the eye, under the eyelid) or cataracts, or a different kind of issue - I’m afraid it’s not something we can guess.

Is there any vet you can get to - even if it is a cat or dog vet? Eyes are the same across all species so any vet can actually help
You can add a picture but I’m afraid we can’t actually diagnose anything.

An eye injury will require a hands in check to find out what had happened - it could be something like a hay poke injury which requires antibiotics, lubricants and painkillers (or there could still be hay caught in the eye, under the eyelid) or cataracts, or a different kind of issue - I’m afraid it’s not something we can guess.

Is there any vet you can get to - even if it is a cat or dog vet? Eyes are the same across all species so any vet can actually help

You can add a picture but I’m afraid we can’t actually diagnose anything.

An eye injury will require a hands in check to find out what had happened - it could be something like a hay poke injury which requires antibiotics, lubricants and painkillers (or there could still be hay caught in the eye, under the eyelid) or cataracts, or a different kind of issue - I’m afraid it’s not something we can guess.

Is there any vet you can get to - even if it is a cat or dog vet? Eyes are the same across all species so any vet can actually help
My guinea pig picture is in my profile picture, Can you diagnose his condition?
My guinea pig has a white bluish spot on his right eye. There are no doctors for guinea pigs in my area. I need help. Since the spot appeared on his eye, he has been lazy and sleeping a lot. He is 4 years old.

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry. Your guinea pig has likely got an ulcerating (infected) hay poke - a piece of hay has gone into his eye.
Diagnosis treatment for eyes is actually the same as for cats and dogs so any vet should be able to do it if they can treat a kitten. Eyes are the one thing where guinea pigs are not different.
Your guinea pig will need veterinary antibiotic drops or gel (like for instance chloramphenicol) and additionally metacam (meloxicam) for the pain and inflammation.

What you can do right now is get human eye gel or drops from a pharmacy (say it is for yourself). Gel is much better because it is longer lasting and penetrates deeper. It cannot heal by itself but it can add to the comfort through the added hydration and create an ideal healing environment inside the eye to speed up the healing process.
Give the tear gel three times daily, as evenly spaced over 24 hours as you can around your normal life and sleeping rhythm but always wait at least half an hour after the application of any antibiotic eye drops or gel in order to allow them to be fully absorbed before you give the tear gel or drops to help soothe the eye.
Tear drops you can give up to 6 times over 24 hours.

In order to apply any drops, you gently pull down the lower lid and aim the drops into the gap.
Any gel you aim at the surface of the eye. You may have to pry the lids apart for that. Make sure that the gel is melting on the eye surface and not stuck to a lid. It may take two people and several attempts but please persevere.

All the best! Hay pokes are unfortunately very common in guinea pigs.
مرحباً بكم

أنا آسف جدًا. من المحتمل أن خنزير غينيا الخاص بك قد أصيب بجرح في عينه بسبب التبن (الملوث) - فقد دخلت قطعة من التبن في عينه.
في الواقع، فإن تشخيص وعلاج العيون هو نفسه بالنسبة للقطط والكلاب، لذا فإن أي طبيب بيطري يجب أن يكون قادرًا على القيام بذلك إذا كان قادرًا على علاج قطة صغيرة. العيون هي الشيء الوحيد الذي لا يختلف فيه خنازير غينيا.
سيحتاج خنزير غينيا الخاص بك إلى قطرات أو هلام مضاد حيوي بيطري (مثل الكلورامفينيكول) بالإضافة إلى ميتاكام (ميلوكسيكام) للألم والالتهاب.

ما يمكنك فعله الآن هو الحصول على جل أو قطرات للعين البشرية من الصيدلية (على سبيل المثال، لنفسك). الجل أفضل بكثير لأنه يدوم لفترة أطول ويتغلغل بشكل أعمق. لا يمكن أن يشفى من تلقاء نفسه ولكنه يمكن أن يزيد من الراحة من خلال الترطيب الإضافي ويخلق بيئة شفاء مثالية داخل العين لتسريع عملية الشفاء.
قم بإعطاء الجل الدمعي ثلاث مرات يوميًا، على فترات متساوية قدر الإمكان على مدار 24 ساعة حول حياتك الطبيعية وإيقاع نومك، ولكن انتظر دائمًا ما لا يقل عن نصف ساعة بعد وضع أي قطرات أو جل مضاد حيوي للعين للسماح لها بالامتصاص الكامل قبل إعطاء الجل الدمعي أو القطرات للمساعدة في تهدئة العين.
قطرات الدموع يمكنك إعطائها ما يصل إلى 6 مرات على مدار 24 ساعة.

من أجل وضع أي قطرات، اسحبي الجفن السفلي بلطف ووجهي القطرات إلى الفجوة.
أي جل تستهدف به سطح العين. قد تضطر إلى فصل الجفون عن بعضها البعض للقيام بذلك. تأكد من ذوبان الجل على سطح العين وعدم التصاقه بالجفن. قد يتطلب الأمر شخصين وعدة محاولات، ولكن يُرجى المثابرة.

كل التوفيق لك! لسوء الحظ، فإن وخزات القش شائعة جدًا في خنازير غينيا.
I will try that! thank you
Salam my guinea pig has hay poke and was prescribed eye drops for a week