Which Room Should I Put My Guinea Pigs In?


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 3, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Hello! SeaSalt here!

I am getting ready to adopt guinea pigs, but I have a slight issue.... Where should I keep them? My bedroom is large enough, but I worry about them being noisy at night. My mum suggested the laundry room, but I worry it will be too noisy and scary for them in there. I've considered our dining room/front entrance but I also worry about them being in the way. We do have a guest bedroom, but it would not be very guest friendly if the piggies take over that room!

Ideally, I would like to have them in my bedroom, but I have heard many people advise against so. I am not a heavy sleeper, but I am not entirely a light sleeper either. If they are in my room, I'll be able to play and interact with them more often and hopefully they'll get used to my presence faster.

Please let me know your opinions and suggestions! I really appreciate it! Thank you and have a wonderful day!
First welcome to the forum!

Now back to the question lol. I keep my two boars (and before that my sow) in my bedroom. Infact their cage is directly next to my bed and while laying down I can touch their cage. Now I'm the same as you- I wouldn't consider myself a light or heavy sleeper and I manage just fine.

Now I must admit when they were just bonded the nights did get noisy- VERY NOISY. It did die down as the night went on though and I did get sleep. You could just hear Steve's dramatic wheeks when Mo mounted him and Mo rumbling.

Now however the nights are quite quiet. You get the odd wheek and rumble but nothing that keeps me up. Infact I find it hard to sleep without hearing them plod about and chew.

The only issue I have is that due to my routine (which means I get up at 5 some nights) Mo expects breakfast and around that time he chews on the bars expecting pellets. Which on a day when you want a lay in can be annoying. But as soon as the pellets are in he shuts up lol
First welcome to the forum!

Now back to the question lol. I keep my two boars (and before that my sow) in my bedroom. Infact their cage is directly next to my bed and while laying down I can touch their cage. Now I'm the same as you- I wouldn't consider myself a light or heavy sleeper and I manage just fine.

Now I must admit when they were just bonded the nights did get noisy- VERY NOISY. It did die down as the night went on though and I did get sleep. You could just hear Steve's dramatic wheeks when Mo mounted him and Mo rumbling.

Now however the nights are quite quiet. You get the odd wheek and rumble but nothing that keeps me up. Infact I find it hard to sleep without hearing them plod about and chew.

The only issue I have is that due to my routine (which means I get up at 5 some nights) Mo expects breakfast and around that time he chews on the bars expecting pellets. Which on a day when you want a lay in can be annoying. But as soon as the pellets are in he shuts up lol

Thanks! I'm glad to know someone is the same way! :D I really would love to be able to have them in my room, so it's great to know that it is possible to survive that way haha. Thank you!
I had my last trio in my bedroom and loved hearing all their sounds. Jacky used to enjoy clattering her teeth on the large ceramic water bowl!

I would have my current trio up here if I didnt already have four hamster set ups!
My girls cage is in my bedroom. It was a bit noisy at first while they settled in but now it's fine plus you get used to their sounds. I'm a very very light sleeper and I occasionally get woken up by the sounds of the water bottle, but to be fair the slightest noise wakes me up.
I have my pair of boars in my bedroom, next to my bed. I think I'm just used to the nightly squealing (Blitzen) and the general crashing noises (always Comet) that I barely notice them anymore, and I can be a pretty light sleeper.
I had my last trio in my bedroom and loved hearing all their sounds. Jacky used to enjoy clattering her teeth on the large ceramic water bowl!

I would have my current trio up here if I didnt already have four hamster set ups!
Wow! I used to have hamsters too but because they were nocturnal I never had them in my bedroom.
My girls cage is in my bedroom. It was a bit noisy at first while they settled in but now it's fine plus you get used to their sounds. I'm a very very light sleeper and I occasionally get woken up by the sounds of the water bottle, but to be fair the slightest noise wakes me up.

I can be that way too, but I'm sure if you can manage, I can too! Thanks :D
I have my pair of boars in my bedroom, next to my bed. I think I'm just used to the nightly squealing (Blitzen) and the general crashing noises (always Comet) that I barely notice them anymore, and I can be a pretty light sleeper.

I'm so happy that people are saying that you can get used to the noises. It's so adorable that you know which guinea pig is causing what XD