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Which Probiotic Is Best?

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I recommend Avipro too or Bio Lapis. There should be links in the hand feeding guide. Am on my phone so not easy to post.
Bio-lapsis and avipro plus are the two currently best ones. Avipro plus has no added calcium and therefore best for any medium or Long term ballder/urinary tract issues. In a pinch, any probiotic from a pet shop will do, though.

Probiotics are a supportive measure, they are not a treatment in themselves. That is why vets do not prescribe them (and some have their doubts as to how effective they are) although you can always ask your vet whether they have a small portion they could give you to tidy you over until you can order any online if you have been prescribed an antibiotic.

If you have got a healthy companion, you can alternatively always soak some fresh poos in water and then Syringe the water. It may be on the gross side, but piggies generally love it! Thus you mimic what guinea pigs recovering from an illness do in order to restock their guts. Even normal "discard" poos contain gut Flora/Fauna as it is near impossible to get hold of the much more effective redigested Poos.
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