Which accessories?


New Born Pup
Feb 12, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I’m preparing my 2X4 c@c cage for the arrival of a pair of rescue Guinea pigs. I’ve got the basics bedding/hay etc, but now I’m looking at the “fun stuff” hides/tunnels/sleeping bags/hammocks etc. I’m also keen not to waste money on things that humans think look fun/cute, but the Guinea pigs aren’t going to be interested in. I know all pigs will be different, but it would be great to get some advice on what to buy/not bother with!
Bendy logs are great to hide under, tunnels made of fleece make nice simple beds. Make sure you buy anything with two exits so no pig feels trapped if the other decides to climb in too 😊 Carrot cottages are great and big piles of hay in burrow in. Cardboard boxes with two exits. if you have the room to go slightly bigger cage wise that’s always better especially for boars. extra square can be bought individually on eBay
Welcome to the forum, I agree with the above. I am slave to the beastie boys Dignified Sir George and his boisterous companion Mischievous Master Boris. My boys absolute favourite is definitely hammocks.IMG20231008161120.webp
Mine always loves a new carboard box with a doorway cut into it. Plastic hideys are durable but not as loved at a good ol' carboard box.
In the wild, guinea pigs will tunnel through tall grass. Tunnels are commonly loved by piggies as well.

Thought Id share a few pics. Under each bridge and in the two "garages" on the ends I have pee soaking mats, little pillows and blankets for them to lounge on, some just simple fleece squares I fold up and change as needed. The hay becomes bedding and I sweep the poop up every day and add fresh handfulls of hay a few times a day. They spend the day foraging and snoozing, and chasing each other/doing zoomies 💖🐷🐷💖IMG_8620.webpIMG_8619.webp