Whether to get a new friend?

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Unfortunatly duke's brother shakey died last saturday,and they lived together ive only just come back from holiday i live with my mum still so she looked after everybody whilst ive been away and she has spoilt duke rotten, been getting him out loads giving him lots of attention and he doesnt seem to be any different, he's eating fine, being as friendly being very vocal as usual..etc she had put their teddy in for him to cuddle up to which he has been doing.

I'm just wondering what option is the best for duke now..hes quite a bossy pig with a strong personality, and seems ok on his own, but i dont like the thoiught of him not having a friend. i think a baby boar is probably out of the question as he may bully it with being a bossy pig..then i thought maybe a female neutered rescue if i came across the right one for us, I'm not fussy on age of the female I'm quite happy to take one a few years old but would that be a good idea seen as duke is only 9 months old..

or is it best to keep him on his own? he seems ok and I'm getting him out and giving him lots of attention as are the rst of the family, ive been informed he's spent his nights curled up on my sisters quilt watching tv with them!

any help would be great
I think because he's young and sitll has many years left you should introduce a new friend for him :)

Maybe you could take him along to a rescue and let him choose a boar to go with? or a spayed female could work well too if you can find one? ;)

I would get him a friend. I was looking for a spayed female for my sheltie Cuzzy but they are impossible to find. I would take Duke to a rescue and let him pick a friend. You never know he may just find the one he likes.

Good luck with it and again sorry to hear about Shakey.

ok thanks, I'm not sure if we have any rescues around here actually, i'll have to have a good look..

i have 5 females already but i dont want any of them neutering, and i dont want duke neitered either as ive had bad experiences with anaesthetic and guinea pigs.

I'll have a look for a rescue and see what i find :)
Not sure if you are clsoe to St Helens but I think Guineas for Life are based there if you could get a lift.. and I think there's one in Ormskirk (Woodlands manybe?)
Hello :)

Awww, sorry to hear about your piggie.

Neither of mine have died, but one is a bit of a bully.
So, I thought that if I were to get another piggie, that then at least the poor one being bullied would have a friend and everyone would live happily ever after.

The lady in the petshop also said this was a good idea so was very happy to proceed with my plan!

Unfortunately, when I got my piggie home, and introduced it, my other pigs were not so impressed.

I had one of them taking to her, and then seeing the other one hadn't and ending up not letting the poor thing into the bedroom, at which point I of course extracted her and let her sleep in a seperate place.

Unfortunately, I then had to take the poor thing back to the shop :(

Just a word of advice.


P.S. I recently found out that my friend who very recently got pigs had actually bought the one I took back, so I am very pleased that she has found a nice new home!
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