New Born Pup
Hi all
My long haired piggy has developed what I’m sure is a dental issue. One of her front teeth has overgrown and a bottom one has become sharp. She is not her self and although eating has started struggling so have today started to top her up with critical care. She has never needed vet care before and has been healthy until now. She is 4 1/2. I have used an exotic vet regularly with my other piggy and they have always been good. They are not listed on here. Reading on here the Cat and Rabbit Clinic is highly recommended for dental. I’m really split where to go. She definitely needs seeing this week now I have discovered her teeth are not right. I trust my regular vet but am not sure whether to see my regular vet or not.
My long haired piggy has developed what I’m sure is a dental issue. One of her front teeth has overgrown and a bottom one has become sharp. She is not her self and although eating has started struggling so have today started to top her up with critical care. She has never needed vet care before and has been healthy until now. She is 4 1/2. I have used an exotic vet regularly with my other piggy and they have always been good. They are not listed on here. Reading on here the Cat and Rabbit Clinic is highly recommended for dental. I’m really split where to go. She definitely needs seeing this week now I have discovered her teeth are not right. I trust my regular vet but am not sure whether to see my regular vet or not.