Where does your piggies pee and how often do you change bedding?

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My piggies pee's in their haybowl. I want to prevent that, so I took it away. They still pee in the hay. And on the blankets.

How often do you change your blankets? I have to change mine 2 times a week or it smells really bad.

I am also about to order some really good hay for the girls and I would hate if I would have to throw out half of it because they pee in it..

I am gonna buy some bluegrass and some 3rd cut Timothy hay that apparently is one of the best hays ever.

They hay itself is not more expensive than the pet store, actually cheaper, but the shipping is a bit much.

Anyway, any advice? I just don't want them to wee in their yummy hay lol
My piggies wee wherever they happen to be when they need to go, be it the hay bin, my lap, hideyhouse or blanket. I've understood some people have clever, toilet trained piggies but it seems to be more the personality of the piggy than the training. Some piggies just pick a corner and just needs a little encouragement. I've also understood that boys are more often more selective in terms of toilet spots than girls.

In my hay bin I have a paper based bedding under the hay and I find this saves the hay a bit, because the wee drains away quite quickly. But I still throw away a fair bit of hay...
my boys pee wherever they want be it their bed their hay tray or their food bowl!this is how i set my cage up;
layer newspaper
layer towels
puppy pad
i also have in a small litter tray filled with hay they eat this and pee on it(whatever makes you happy hey!) i change that every day seems a waste of hay though
I have the same problem! My boys love to pee in their hay and I have to throw most of it away in the end.
If there is hay on the floor a piggy will pee in it in my experience. Piggys are pretty indiscrimate and very hard to train so most people don't even try. I've heard some people say they won't toilet around food but I've even seen some of mine sit in a food bowl and pee in it. The only way to stop them urinating in their hay is to put it up in a hay rack which they then pull the hay out off.
mine all pee and pooh werever they happen to be except my sons piggy snoppy who lives in a cage in his room he has a log cabin house and he does everything in there if he is having floor time he poohs werever though my son did leave his new pokemon magazine on the bedroom floor the other day and his piggy peed on that my son was not impresed i found it funny though lol
Mine go everywhere too and refuse to use a hay rack. However I buy meadow hay by the bale from a farm shop (4 quid a bale so massively cheaper than pet shops or online) I give loads of hay for burrowing and they generally can't manage to wee/poo on all of it.
When I had some guineas who did use a hay rack they would toilet on the aubiose and then pull hay out of the rAck to cover it, lol.
These days I use puppy pads, covered by a layer of aubiose and then a stack of hay for burrowing/eating.
I do a full clean out about every 3 or 4 days but to be honest because of the aubiose they could probably last a week, a lot of dry stuff always ends up going in the bin - there are never any smells. They have newspaper/aubiose & vet bed in their beds and they need changing every 2 days.
My only regret at the moment is that I can't afford bio degradable puppy pads. But I don't use many and I suppose compared to number of disp nappies going into landfill its not too bad :)
my piggies punky and drizzle pee everywhere, but they do pee on there hay a lot actually! if men miss the toilet and cant clean up after themselves, then i expect nothing else from male piggies either!lollollollol. gemxx
why don't you put cheap stuff on the floor and if you do not have hayracks you can stuff it in some socks and cut holes so they can pull it out but it keeps the hay clean, which is what i do if i buy the really good stuff
You could try buying your hay by the bale as its much cheaper and last ages! I bought one in Sept and paid £4 for it. I only have 2 piggy's and put loads in there cage as they love burrowing in it, jumping about and eating it. I don't worry now about them weeing in it as it was so cheap and just the same quality as the one i used to buy in small bags that was the same price as the small bale.
Mine poop and pee in the corners of there cage usually but do very often poop everywhere that takes their fancy.
I do the same as what lovelygirl suggested and fill toilet rolls with hay too they love it!
My 2 pigs only pee in one corner of their cage but poop every where.
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