Where do you like to shop?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham
I love to shop in Primark, New Look and I occasionally find the odd thing in Peacocks. I have a very limited budget ;D

I love the stuff in River Island and Fat Face but I can't afford them.
I got alot of Primark stuff. Specially the girl boxers 'I Love Boys Pants' ones hahahaha

I have a couple of Primark tops and jeans too, although the size 10's are too big and long, and size 8 are too tight and short hahahaha
Ditto! I don't see the point of spending a fortune on a top that will be in fashion for like 5 minutes! I'd rather go to Tesco, primark (even Matalan!) buy a top, wear it a couple of times and not worry when it falls to bits cos I've only spent 5 pounds on it! Oh and just remembered H&M and TK Maxx which are both fab too!
I LOVE those ones Ali - they are so faboroony O0

I forgot about Matalan - I also shop there O0
And the gym clothes in TK maxx are ace! USA PRO stuff at Primark prices :D And btw I looooooove Primark too!
I like republic, things may be expensive in there but its always good quality, i spend around £50 on a jacket in there n it lasts me ages.

i like my jeans from new look, reasonable price, reasonable fit..i have a tiny waist and big butt lol so its hard trying to get jeans that fit so i always have to wear a belt! :tickedoff:

river island for my bags..i love their bags although a little pricey at £20-30 a bag

i love dororthy perkins, a nice sweater is like under £10

i also shop at H&M, Miss Sixty, few other stores
I love to shop at larger centres so i've got a choice, but also go to the smaller stip shops where you can get some great clothes at way cheaper prices.
I like to buy clothes that will last for years tbh
I like M&S, Principles, Wallis and Coast

I dont buy things often as v expensive but if they are quite classic cuts and styles they will last forever.

Ive nothing against Primark but I'm frankly against this disposable culture that we have these days.
People upgrade their mobiles and IPods every year, and wear clothes twice and then get rid of them.
Sorry to sound like an old woman here but the world is scaring me at the moment
Sorry to sound like an old woman here but the world is scaring me at the moment

What's wrong love? anything you want to talk about? Got big shoulders here :)
Glynis said:
Sorry to sound like an old woman here but the world is scaring me at the moment

I know what you mean, as you get older everything gets more 'real', illnesses, finance etc not to mention what is going on around the world with places like Iran etc. Sometimes I wish I had a switch on the side of my head so I could switch it off! I'm grateful to the internet for things like this (forum) but sometimes wish I didn't delve into other things then worry myself to death! I find myself avoiding the news, then wishing I had watched it because I caught the tail end of something! Then theres little Rolly to worry about, my car being done now, Mum's hosp appt tomorrow - phew! Oh and just to be the bearer of bad tidings - Friday is the B***** 13th!!

Edit: S'ok s'ok I've taken my medication now, I'm back to normal.........! 98)
Glynis said:
Sorry to sound like an old woman here but the world is scaring me at the moment

What's wrong love? anything you want to talk about? Got big shoulders here :)

Theres plenty wrong Glynis

I'm the UK there are young teenage boys being shot and stabbed all over the place.
A pregnant woman was shot twice in the head on Sat morning on my road
Guns and knives are criminally easy to get hold of
Atrocious crimes towards old people
Neglect and cruelty

I'm seriously considering not having any children because the world is unsafe IMO now - what will it be like when my children are older?

There is seriosu beauty to be found if you just look but its getting harder to see / find.
Billies Mum said:
Glynis said:
Sorry to sound like an old woman here but the world is scaring me at the moment

What's wrong love? anything you want to talk about? Got big shoulders here :)

Theres plenty wrong Glynis

I'm the UK there are young teenage boys being shot and stabbed all over the place.
A pregnant woman was shot twice in the head on Sat morning on my road
Guns and knives are criminally easy to get hold of
Atrocious crimes towards old people
Neglect and cruelty

I'm seriously considering not having any children because the world is unsafe IMO now - what will it be like when my children are older?

There is seriosu beauty to be found if you just look but its getting harder to see / find.

The world has gone mad! :( What is wrong with people these days? So much anger and hatred. Kids have never had so much yet constantly moan that they are bored. Many seem to think its fine to hurt other people and animals. I can't help wonder if its my generations fault though as we are the generation who have tried to give our kids all the things we didn't have. I didn't have a huge amount of material things when I was a kid but I had lots of love and parents who spent time with me! Worth so much more!

Since being made redundant last year and having very little money I have started to appreciate having time to spend with my family - both human and furry - my friends and also not constantly rushing from one thing to the next, never having time to appreciate the world around me.

Not much money for shopping at the moment but hey who needs lots of expensive stuff when I have a house full of love from all my little furries! :)
must admit i'm glad i was a teenager in the 80's and not now! people seem more impatient and aggressive now, i wonder if it's because this country is getting so overcrowded? we can barely move on the roads, in the shops etc.. too many people! (think i'll emigrate to the orkneys!) ?

anyways, shops = principles, per una, new look, monsoon for me. gap and tkmaxx for my sons. tescos or sainsburys for food.
Oh sorry I was only trying to do a light hearted thread - I don't feel I'm a bad person at all as I have morals. I also apologise for starting this thread I meant no harm or to cause upset. I'm not obsessed with material things as I'm not that shallow, I can be deep when I want to be in fact I think soo much at times it doesn't do me any good.

I only shop cheapy as I'm not very well off so I tend to have to watch what I'm spending - surely that doesn't mean anything does it? But anyway I know what you mean, why so much hatred and anger? It is not needed - like the song, people are all the same, etc, etc after all we are all the same. We do not need to fight, we do not need to hurt one another and cause trouble. I suppose to sort this out the route cause needs to be sorted out. Why is it happening? What has caused it happen? Why is there so much anger in the world these days? People have different theries about it, I'm not sure of mine (not very clever is me!).

I think it is disgusting that about of crimes against the older generation and I ask myself why? It makes me want to cry to see all those sad faces in the newspaper when I hear about the yob culture attacking older ladies. I guess we need better policing I suppose and more of a police presence I think? Or if they are bored and have nothing to do which is making them do this they should be provisions for them to do stuff productively.

I'd shut up now.
Of course you aren't a bad person....you love piggies which makes you a lovely person! :D

I was about to put that I shop at New Look and Top Shop but then got to thinking about the stuff I have bought recently and suddenly realised that most of my clothes have come from Tesco. Oh my god...now that is sad!

Oh well everything ends up covered in bits of hay and I have just realised I have been out wearing a jacket which is covered in pet hair!

Think I will go and check out George at Asda next time I am over that way. Would that be more cool than Tesco do you think? ;D
I shop in Tesco and I wouldn't say I'm sad! I think for some things it's cheaper and much more convenient without having 'high street' shops in my town (except Peacocks).

I did say earlier in my post that I would rather buy something cheaper so if it falls apart I can chuck it away but just to clarify I never chuck clothes away (I wear them till they are worn out!) I would just rather not spend £40 on a top which is no better than a cheaper one just because it's from TopShop or Warehouse.

My clothes have a life cycle a) very new so for nice occasions b) a bit worn so more casual c) use them as bed clothes/slobby as long as their comfy d) chuck them (but only if they have holes in them!)

I think this must all stem from my student loan days!
cashmincal said:
Oh sorry I was only trying to do a light hearted thread - I don't feel I'm a bad person at all as I have morals. I also apologise for starting this thread I meant no harm or to cause upset. I'm not obsessed with material things as I'm not that shallow, I can be deep when I want to be in fact I think soo much at times it doesn't do me any good.

I only shop cheapy as I'm not very well off so I tend to have to watch what I'm spending - surely that doesn't mean anything does it? But anyway I know what you mean, why so much hatred and anger? It is not needed - like the song, people are all the same, etc, etc after all we are all the same. We do not need to fight, we do not need to hurt one another and cause trouble. I suppose to sort this out the route cause needs to be sorted out. Why is it happening? What has caused it happen? Why is there so much anger in the world these days? People have different theries about it, I'm not sure of mine (not very clever is me!).

I think it is disgusting that about of crimes against the older generation and I ask myself why? It makes me want to cry to see all those sad faces in the newspaper when I hear about the yob culture attacking older ladies. I guess we need better policing I suppose and more of a police presence I think? Or if they are bored and have nothing to do which is making them do this they should be provisions for them to do stuff productively.

I'd shut up now.

Its my fault lovey
If you read back its me that got all huffy to begin with and it just escalated from there....
And then Glynis asked me what was wrong so I told her

Sorry - got caught at a bad moment.
I'm so glad I'm not like that, i hate being a teenager now, too many chavs and killings :( :'( :'( :'(
I never used to mine chavs until a group of them decided to dislike me whilst volunteering in the a shop, now they stare at me when I go past..
cashmincal said:
I never used to mine chavs until a group of them decided to dislike me whilst volunteering in the a shop, now they stare at me when I go past..

Awww shame >:(
My shops
Clothes - New Look, Dorothy P, used to love Etam, Peacocks

Tesco on line

fave other shops
Waterstones and all book shops
Body Shop
I LOVE Accessorize.... I love anything shiny and when I'm in there I'm like a magpie in a tin foil factory!

As soon as my boyfriend hears "ooh shiny!" he knows it's going to cost him money!
to be honest I absoluty hate clothes shopping and do most of mine on the internet littlewoods freemans and Next do wonderful clothes and as cheap if not cheaper then high street, and all of mine gets reused my niece gets all Carrie annes clothes much to her delight as carrie anne has good taste but my sis in law is happier to let her kids wear track tops and bottoms all day evey day so my niece loves getting bright wonderful clothes I have just cleared out our wardrobes and have 8 bags of clothes for the charity shops ready loaded in my car to drop off, as for crime I feel so sad for my kids now a days I grew up in the 70s free and easy we played non stop on the local common nearby now a days pervs etc would be hiding there no doubt, my son when 11 was nearly abducted only saving himself becasue of my vivid warnings etc so when my daughter was born in 95 i said I'm moving away from this crime ridden place it used to be so nice and friendly , lucky I noticed the slow change in the place and got my ass out of there for my kids sakes living where we do now is wonderful, that little bit of water between us and Portsmouth is a godsend its so expensive to cross it keeps baddys out lol and as for the violence I honestly believe its not having mums at home being forced to work to pay everday bills that makes kids go off the rails, its a crime that mums cannot now a days afford to be at home with thier kids to bring them up with guidelines of good and bad, thats when things changed and all this crap about going easy on them at schools has given kids too much freedom to do as they like , I dont agree with the cane but kids should respect the law and their teachers and parents ,lack of respect is the root cause of all thats making Britain a nasty place my 5 kids are and have been brought up to repsect the law well hubby was a copper for 13 years, wish we could turn the clock back
I know this is slight off topic but I have to agree with you michellemuffin. A gentleman at work was telling me that a new initiative now for dealing with unruly kids is the give them an Ipod if they promise not to misbehave. Why not give all the kids who do behave something! Kids that misbehave should NOT be rewarded.

I'm only 23 so not so long since I was a teenager but it's not hard to treat people with a little bit of respect and stay on the good side of the law.
Remember that kid who was sent on a safari holiday after killing someone or something? :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
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