Where do you buy beds from?


New Born Pup
Jul 1, 2023
Reaction score
Greater Manchester
I’m starting to think of the colder months. At the moment my outside pigs have an igloo each which is stuffed with soft hay for their bedding and they seem happy with this. However when it gets colder I’d like some warm and snuggly beds for them, but the ones I’ve looked at, despite saying they’re easy clean or machine washable, don’t really seem to be compatible with the peeing and pooing machines that my boys are!

I’m looking for something warm and cosy with maybe a liner that can be easily removed and cleaned/washed regularly. I’m happy to wash the whole thing of course, but nothing has really stood out for me.

Of course, if it gets super cold then I have an indoor cage and I’ll bring them inside, but any suggestions for where to buy something suitable for their beds outside in the winter would be hugely appreciated.

Many thanks!
I’m afraid you cannot use any fabric beds outside in winter. They will not dry when urinated on in winter and can wick moisture from the air, consequently your piggies will be sleeping in damp beds. Fleece hides and bedding can only be used indoors.
Plastic igloos are not really recommended outside due to being too hot in summer and in winter they condensate inside and expose piggies to damp.
The best hides for outdoor piggies are wooden hides and tunnels which can then be stuffed with hay. You should also provide Snugglesafe heatpads for outdoor piggies. They can be put anywhere in the hutch including inside of hides (if they fit) - always provide additional hides without a heatpad inside in case they do not want to sit on a heatpad but still want to be inside a hide.

If you wish to use fleece items in their indoor cage then this link will help with some suppliers.
Members recommended UK and US sites for fleece cage liners and accessories
There are also options on Amazon.
Thank you so much! This will be my first winter with my boys and I have so much to learn - this is brilliant information, thank you. They already have wooden hides but I never thought about using them for their beds - I’ll get two more and start using them straight away instead of the igloos.
I have outdoor piggies (well, they live in my shed) so am more than happy to help with any outdoor keeping in winter questions you may have.
This guide will also help you - Cold Weather Care for Indoor and Outdoor Guinea Pigs

It’s great you are thinking about winter now though - always best to be prepared.
Do you also have thermal hutch covers?
Silver foil insulation can also be stapled to the hutch walls (on the outside).
You could also put a blanket or or old duvet underneath the hutch covers (ensuring they cannot get wet) to also help protect from draught and keep more warmth inside

I actually find keeping them warm in winter easier than keeping them cool in summer (this summer excepted - where is the sunshine?!)
I know - summer has been rubbish! I think it’s because it feels so autumnal now that I’m starting to think about winter!

I’m really appreciative of your advice. I just adore my ungrateful little boys (they only want me when I come bearing food!) and want to make sure I’ve got everything right for them.

A thermal cover is already on the shopping list - their waterproof one has certainly earned me my money back this summer. A blanket and silver foil insulation are excellent suggestions, thank you.

At the moment I only put hay in their feeding area (a mix of meadow and Timothy hay) and I use silky smooth hay for their bedding. In colder months, should I spread more bedding hay around the other parts of their hutch? They don’t tend to eat it (the silky smooth stuff) so would that be a good idea for extra insulation or would it just be in the way?
That’s piggies for you!

Fill the hutch with hay in winter.
I completely fill my hutches with meadow hay everywhere and make it particularly thick in winter (removing wet areas daily, twice daily in winter). It is great for insulating, they get right inside the hay and curl up. They then get timothy hay sprinkled in amongst it or just put in a few piles around the cages.
They don’t know the difference between bedding hay and feeding hay - you will find they are nibbling at all of it whether you see it or not.

Definitely invest in Snugglesafes. They really are essential for outdoor piggies.
That’s piggies for you!

Fill the hutch with hay in winter.
I completely fill my hutches with meadow hay everywhere and make it particularly thick in winter (removing wet areas daily, twice daily in winter). It is great for insulating, they get right inside the hay and curl up. They then get timothy hay sprinkled in amongst it or just put in a few piles around the cages.
They don’t know the difference between bedding hay and feeding hay - you will find they are nibbling at all of it whether you see it or not.

Definitely invest in Snugglesafes. They really are essential for outdoor piggies.
Brilliant, thank you. I’ll get the Snugglesafes too, and I’m sure I’ll be back when I think of more questions!
You are doing a great job getting prepared for winter. Your boys will really appreciate the snugglesafes 😄