Where are all the men cavy lovers? Not here?

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Have just thought about this, it doesn't appear as though we have any men post here, or certainly not on a regular basis. I suppose it's what you would expect really? I couldn't imagine my hubby posting on a guinea pig (or any come to that ::) ) board ;D

Guess there just isn't much street cred attached to keeping and chatting about guineas online ::)

I have only very rarely re-homed to men, off the top of my head I can only think of one occaision. As said, never really thought about this before ?

The only two men I've heard about who have/breed guineapigs are both gay
kayjay said:
The only two men I've heard about who have/breed guineapigs are both gay

The guy I rehomed to was as well, but wasn't sure if I should say so...not that he would mind :)

maybe men need to be in touch with thier feminine side and thats not a put down but I simply mean a softer kind hearted person, my hubby is like that but wont show it unless really pushed but men who do have pigs are not to afraid to show it, good on them I say,
My husband is very fond of the two piggies we've got, but he would not want to discuss piggies on a forum.
Yeah my OH lurves my two as much as me but I cant tell its just not cool for him to admit i to anyone but me! ;D
mine doesnt show it, but he loves them as much as I do.

when marvin was poorly, the whole last week my boyfriend was syringefeeding him on his own while I was at work, and I have never seen him cry more than when we had to pts marvin in the end...
Also he really likes to name new piggies I get in.

But talking to friends and family - its always MY guinea pigs, never his ;-)
I'm a guy and i breed guinea pigs but I'm not gay...(ask my fiance)
my OH has a good read on this forum and then gives me advice...... ;D

He read a post about a piggies willy not going back in and he said it made his eyes water....! Then got me to check our two boys...just to make sure!
amanda said:
my OH has a good read on this forum and then gives me advice...... ;D

He read a post about a piggies willy not going back in and he said it made his eyes water....! Then got me to check our two boys...just to make sure!
Aaahh! Shows he cares. I heard my husband saying goodnight to the guineas the other night. Sweet!
i_lkdm_21 said:
I'm a guy and i breed guinea pigs but I'm not gay...(ask my fiance)

::) Sorry mate, you are abit out numbered here, but please leave a male point of view on as many topics as you can ! :)

My boyfriend Luke sometimes comes on here. His name is "lukey" - Have to say he hasn't been on really recentely. He did go through a phase of posting quite a bit. :) He does all the maintence work to the forum.
My son loves Duke but would never go on this forum
BUT as far as chatting on the Victory forum here in OZ, he chats all night ;D ;D

BTW welcome i_lkdm_21 hope you get some great info from here there's lots of people just waiting to help, please tell us about your piggies :)
Yes welcome :) But do you have a name? because that is going to be a mouthful, sorry fingerful ;D to remember and type ;)
My hubby too loves the piggies dearly, but has always kept the talking about them and the knowledge bit to me :)

My dad, won't admit it, but likes them too and will gladly hold and stroke one if you just plonk a piggy on his lap!
I think just landing them on their laps is the easiest way,they cant back out then ;)
Andy will talk and stroke but not hold and not lift out of cage
My father adores them, especially Scarby. They have a very special friendship.
Came home from daughters basketball game last night to find both Duke & OH sound asleep on the couch :D :D

Duke was all warm and floppy and was like 'oh do i have to move?', OH looked embarassed cause he'd gone to sleep and forgotten that he was supposed to be taking are of Duke ::)
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