When your guinea pig has clones!


Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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We've had many pigs over the years, and most of them have had patchy or broken coats. We would sometimes see pigs who had similar colors and markings, but the markings were always distinct enough that we could tell that they were similar, but not the same. Misa, however, is an agouti sheltie, and occasionally I will be online and see pictures of pigs that are basically her exact double! It always gives me a weird moment when I see those doppelgangers out there in pictures... like, "Hey, how do you know Misa?" LOL! My daughter even found an artist in Japan who made a watercolour painting that is pretty much Misa! Does anyone else run into piggie clones online sometimes? Here are some examples.

This is Misa...

This is not Misa....
This is an artist's watercolour rendition of a Misa lookalike!
I have a torti tricolor with white (like a calico) and there are many more out there. Even with the same stripe down the nose. What distinguishes Chez is his small size.
I have a smooth tri colour, the local rescue had a piggy who looked exactly the same, with a very similar name. They also had a cream and tan Teddy who looked just like my Brillo. Brillo's face is also just like the piggy on the ASDA fabrics. There have been two Peruvians on the Forum who looked just like my Timmy, I haven't told him because they were both female!
Speaking of clones, I've noticed AI creates the torti tricolor pigs a lot like Chez. Seems like that's the most common type of pig AI does.