When You Have A Sow, Who Thinks She's A Boar.


Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
Poor Ronnie isn't being left alone today bless her! She has to put up with Digby while in season but Paris also things she's a boar and won't give in. At least Digby knows when to give it a rest!

Our gorgeous top pig Heidi does exactly the same with little Cocoa. Even now when Cocoa is bit poorly that’s not gonna stop Heidi.... Cocoa doesn’t seem to mind too much though x :love: x
Oh girls. Worse than a pair of boars. I am pleased to say that I have never had any girls humping each other.
Poor little Ronnie.
Awww poor thing. I dread seasons..... Widget is a nightmare with Chickpea
She is! We have 3 in season at the mo so one very agitated herd!
Maya is the same.

However, she's not as discriminating as Paris - she also humps my hand (when I spot-clean) and the cleaning brush. I really can't wrap my head around how cute little Maya, who looks a stuffed baby animal, can act so annoyingly randy!

Haha, sorry but she sounds hilarious! :lol!:
Maya is the same.

However, she's not as discriminating as Paris - she also humps my hand (when I spot-clean) and the cleaning brush. I really can't wrap my head around how cute little Maya, who looks a stuffed baby animal, can act so annoyingly randy!

She’ a nymphoMAYAniac
I’ve never seen my sows do this but Patchy used to be shocking for following Coco around trying to sniff at her bum when she (Coco) was in season.
Worse than a boar is right, I've never seen either of my two last that long (they've usually fallen off after a couple of seconds). :lol!: