When you bring cranky pants to work...


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 14, 2020
Reaction score
Northern California
She's such a little grumpus! Everytime I start my webinar she grumbles! Everytime I sneeze, or someone closes a cupboard door too loudly, she grumbles. I'm making her spend more time with me because we've only had her a few weeks and she hiding from me. So an hour a day of cuddle time and treats it is!
In all seriousness, I'm putting her in a cuddle cup so she feels safe and just trying to get her used to being pet and loved. Is this okay?
To be honest if she clearly isn't enjoying the time out of her cage them I wouldn't push it.
Maybe a short 10 minute session somewhere without scary random noises would be a better place to start.
The grumbling can be a fear rumble, and this isn't a happy noise.
So maybe scale down the bonding time and try to do it in a quieter environment until she start to relax.
:agr: I agree about doing less time. Maybe ten minutes at a go. If she doesn’t generally like being petted or held then no amount of lap time hours will make her enjoy it.
She does make it known when she's ready to go back. Gets antsy and doesn't settle. At that point I put her back.