have recently acquired two guinea pigs, beebop and rocksteady, they were around 12 weeks when i got them. beebop, although slightly bigger, was the more cowardly of the two, always hiding under rocksteady and following him everywhere.
it all changed a week ago when beebop started trying to mount his brother, i later realised this was his attempt at becoming the new alpha and trying to force rocksteady into submission, bad idea! now in the mornings i have found beebop with a scratched nose which has bled slightly, and whenever they catch sight of each other the teeth chattering begins before angling themselves for a fight, which they've had several, all very explosive but doesn't seem to resolve anything. its agonising to watch as i just want them to get along as they did when i first got them, and wondering if its just a stage before one of them backs down (beebop) although i dont want to see bullying if this happens (have seen signs of this from r.steady-chasing him off food etc). they seem to be better when they're in their run (which is about thrice the size of their cage). is this a stage of adolesence which will calm as they mature, should they resolve it themselves, its not really poss to split them up or buy another due to lack of space. help!:{
it all changed a week ago when beebop started trying to mount his brother, i later realised this was his attempt at becoming the new alpha and trying to force rocksteady into submission, bad idea! now in the mornings i have found beebop with a scratched nose which has bled slightly, and whenever they catch sight of each other the teeth chattering begins before angling themselves for a fight, which they've had several, all very explosive but doesn't seem to resolve anything. its agonising to watch as i just want them to get along as they did when i first got them, and wondering if its just a stage before one of them backs down (beebop) although i dont want to see bullying if this happens (have seen signs of this from r.steady-chasing him off food etc). they seem to be better when they're in their run (which is about thrice the size of their cage). is this a stage of adolesence which will calm as they mature, should they resolve it themselves, its not really poss to split them up or buy another due to lack of space. help!:{