When will he talk?

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May 16, 2010
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My baby boar Naboo is about 8 weeks and only been with us till Saturday. He has not spoken yet or made noises except for pigeon whimpers when scared when we tried to get him out. The only other time was when i moved his food bowl from one end to nearer to his water bottle. When he couldnt find his lovely carrots and mix he started to make a wheeking noise lol which was like a 'wheres my food mum' once he found it he was ok but when will he start to talk to us more so i can give him everything he needs.
really really close lol he just came out saw us and freaked and ran back in making noises lol loud but scared....
I always make a tsk tsk sound when I go for food or bring it - that is a surefire way to set the choir off!

Others rattle a plastic bag - but it helps if you have a ritual for when food is coming. It shouldn't take Naboo very long to latch on the food summons!
Min wheek at everything that rustles, knife against chopping board, me opening the front door (where the grass lives!) and a million other things they think might mean food :)). Two of mine were confident enough to talk from the beginning but wee frightened Mette-Marit took weeks to tell me someting :)

Is Naboo a lone piggy? I understand you just got him, but would you please think about getting him a friend? A piggy with a friend will not be bored and is generally more healthy because they do stuff together. The friendship they can develop with people is different from the one they have with one of their kind and you sleep all night whereas piggies are more of an off/on throughout night and day social creatures :) Think about it?
yea i am thinking about it...when nutmeg has sexed her piggies i think he will be getting a friend but i am terrfied of blood shed which apparently more and more people tell me happens with boys
yea i am thinking about it...when nutmeg has sexed her piggies i think he will be getting a friend but i am terrfied of blood shed which apparently more and more people tell me happens with boys

Not necessarily, I have two boars (brothers) living together who get along fine, they snuggle up together in the bed, it's sweet!

Some boys don't get on, I have heard it's easier to place an older boar with a younger one? Someone correct me if I'm wrong..

As for talking he probably won't for a week or so, at the moment he's on edge because everything is new and he doesn't know you. Believe me you will know when he feels more relaxed ;)
yea i am thinking about it...when nutmeg has sexed her piggies i think he will be getting a friend but i am terrfied of blood shed which apparently more and more people tell me happens with boys

Yay for Naboo :)

Don't worry... I'm sure Nutmeg will be able to help you bond them and also with any squabbles that might arise. It's one of the fantastic things about getting pigs from rescues :) I handed my three in to be bonded with my forth (who unfortunately only stayed 5 weeks as she was ill) because I felt I would not have the guts to watch them bond... I'm a bit silly.

A lot, most boar pairs actuallt live great lives together. Sure they argue sometimes, but it's part of having a companion!
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