When To Try And Re-bond My Boys?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 7, 2010
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I have two male pigs, Casper 2yrs and Ziggy 4 months. They were a perfect duo until last week when I noticed high level of dominance behaviour coming Ziggy. Last night it peaked and they lunged at each other, luckily I was watching closely and it ended before it really got started but Casper ended up with a slight what I can assume is a nip on his lip, no blood. Obviously I have now separated them. I have read through the forum today, what a wealth of information this place is, love it! They have a large cage with an extra level and a large play area they go into everynight I am at home.

I understand that it is unlikely that they will now get on, but I am willing to give them one more try as if it does not work it may mean re-homing one of them :'( As mentioned here, I will clean the cages and try a Buddy bath and a re-intro onto neutral territory... basically starting the bonding process again.

My question is, how long should the time out be before I re-attempt?
Also as its likely to be hormones is it worth riding it out through the worst months wit them living next to each other instead?

Thank you in advance for your advice
I have two male pigs, Casper 2yrs and Ziggy 4 months. They were a perfect duo until last week when I noticed high level of dominance behaviour coming Ziggy. Last night it peaked and they lunged at each other, luckily I was watching closely and it ended before it really got started but Casper ended up with a slight what I can assume is a nip on his lip, no blood. Obviously I have now separated them. I have read through the forum today, what a wealth of information this place is, love it! They have a large cage with an extra level and a large play area they go into everynight I am at home.

I understand that it is unlikely that they will now get on, but I am willing to give them one more try as if it does not work it may mean re-homing one of them :'( As mentioned here, I will clean the cages and try a Buddy bath and a re-intro onto neutral territory... basically starting the bonding process again.

My question is, how long should the time out be before I re-attempt?
Also as its likely to be hormones is it worth riding it out through the worst months wit them living next to each other instead?

Thank you in advance for your advice

Hi and welcome!

It sounds like Ziggy has hit his teenage hormones. :(

You can give it an overnighter for tempers to cool down. I hope that all goes well. it does not yet sound serious enough for a permanent separation.

Next door boars will usually stay bonded and - if you are lucky - will be able to share roaming or lawn time together, but they will hardly ever go back to sharing their home territory with each other again. We have got a number of members with "can't live together - can't live apart" next door neighbours boar pairs who will interact happily through the bars and grieve as much as for a live-in mate when their mate passes away.
Thank you for your advice, I re-introduced them last night. OMG that was nerve racking. Chasing, rumbling, teeth chatting, wee spraying, squaring up to each other. After about an hour of this knife edge behaviour, they settled down. They were back to their normal selves this morning but my nerves are shot! LOL. Still not sure who is boss. 2yr old does all the rumbling, but the baby does all the mounting and pushing the other one away from food, towels and water bottles etc. (I have two of everything so no one misses out).
Thank you for your advice, I re-introduced them last night. OMG that was nerve racking. Chasing, rumbling, teeth chatting, wee spraying, squaring up to each other. After about an hour of this knife edge behaviour, they settled down. They were back to their normal selves this morning but my nerves are shot! LOL. Still not sure who is boss. 2yr old does all the rumbling, but the baby does all the mounting and pushing the other one away from food, towels and water bottles etc. (I have two of everything so no one misses out).

It rather sounds like the little one is trying to take over or has taken over. All the best. it is going to be some very nerve-racking months in store for you as things are likely to flare up again when the little one has another testosterone peak. All you can do is try to hang in there and ride the tiger for as long as possible. :(
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
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