Keiko The Pig
Junior Guinea Pig
i have one boar who is 4 months and one who will be 2 months at the end of May. When should I switch them over to Timothy hay/products? Most of what I read says at 6months but I don't want to deprive my younger piggy of the alfalfa and nutrients he needs to grow big and strong. They have 2 separate "kitchens" per say but often eat from the same bowl and switch bowls randomly. They also don't like to be separated at all as they immediately start wheeking for each other so I can't feed one in the cage and the other out as they'll both ignore the food until reunited. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated! My boys also don't like high vit C veg, preferring lettuce and cucumber to peppers parsley or spinach so I don't think I could get the younger one to eat his own veggies either.