When To Separate?

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Jamie leigh

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
My pigs are always arguing and rumble strutting. Whenever one goes in the other ones place of sleep or get too close they start rumbling and chase each other around the cage hitting each other with their noses. however, when i separate them when i get them out of the cage one at a time they wheek for each other like they want the other?

should i be worried at this behaviour?
Thank you. I have heard conflicting info and have been told that this will only get worse so be prepared to separate, thanks again for replying.
As long as they want to stay together, keep them together. You know when one of them is perking up markedly when alone that the relationship is not happy. You can do overnight trial separations with an introduction on neutral ground after a bath to remove the testosterone smell and a cage clean for the same reason. However, you have to do it only when things are really dicey and VERY close to really blowing up. Do it too often and your constant intervention can be the thing that destabilises their relationship!
Here are tips for rebonding: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/faq-introducing-and-re-introducing-guinea-pigs.38562/

The hormones hit in spikes, so you get better and worse times. Hopefully, they will make it through together, but it won't be an easy time for you.
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