When To Cut Nails For The First Time

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Cape Town, South Africa
When should I cut my piggies nails for the first time?
They are about 6 weeks old now. I've had them for 1 week. They are starting to trust me more each day but are still VERY skittish and run and hide for every noise and movement. I have not yet even had them out for lap time as every time I get anywhere near them they run and hide. I did take them out for floor time twice - easiest way is to grab both ends of the fleece tunnel when they're inside it and transport them like that. But I'm not sure how I would catch and hold them to cut their nails. How old is generally a good age for the first trim and should I try now already even though they're still so nervous of being handled?
At the moment, they should have tiny baby nails I expect. Worth checking to see if this is the case though. IF they don't need trimming you can wait a few more weeks till they are less skittish. We use a two person job for nail trimming. I hold while Mrs SB cuts. I hold the piggies in an upright position against my chest with hand round the front I also feed them at the same time with other hand to distract them (this helps)

Well worth investing in clippers like these - so much easier than human clippers

Would you have someone able to help you? The vet can also show you how to do it I would imagine
I have just bought some clippers similar to those after using the human ones on piggies for years. These are so much easier I wish I'd found them before, well worth buying. My little wrigglers are a two man job too.
I actually find those cross blade pig clippers harder to use! I bought those first and found especially with a squirmy pig it was hard. Bought some human baby nail clippers and find those easier.

I didn't have to cut my pigs nails for the first time for ages. I got mine at 6 weeks and it was months before they actually needed it. Its definitely easier with a cutter and a holder rather than doing it alone. I have managed to cut some of my girls ones alone by holding so they are 'sitting' on their bum and I'm holding front end upright. If that makes sense? While they get used to it though I would get someone to hold.
We have had our girls for 3 months now and I am not brave enough to try nail clipping! We take them to the vet. Which is a win win as my daughter loves going to the vets with her girls. I try and get her to do as much of the talking etc although that isn't too much of a problem as she can talk.....and talk.....and talk. They 'know' us now (and we have only been twice :D)
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