When To Cage Clean Newbies


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 30, 2018
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Hi everyone, day 6 of guineas...when do I do my first full cage clean? I've been spot cleaning twice daily. Is like to get my fleece in! Shavings driving me mad! Also when is a good time to put them in run? They are still v v v shy...have eaten from our outstretched hands a couple if times
How big is your cage. I would Imagine with 6 it will probably want a full clean.

Fleece is much easier
2 guineas! We've had them for 6 days... I don't want to freak them out x
Sorry I am at work so quickly read. I though you had a heard of 6! I would say no longer than a week.

With fleece i spot clean at least once daily. On days I am not working it's twice. The hay tray gets changed daily. The fleece I change twice a week
Hi everyone, day 6 of guineas...when do I do my first full cage clean? I've been spot cleaning twice daily. Is like to get my fleece in! Shavings driving me mad! Also when is a good time to put them in run? They are still v v v shy...have eaten from our outstretched hands a couple if times
I think after 6 days should be ok, make sure you take them out the cage when you clean it so they don't freak out :nod:

They should be alright to go in their run now but make sure there are lots of places for your piggies to hide incase they feel scared :tu:
Hi everyone, day 6 of guineas...when do I do my first full cage clean? I've been spot cleaning twice daily. Is like to get my fleece in! Shavings driving me mad! Also when is a good time to put them in run? They are still v v v shy...have eaten from our outstretched hands a couple if times

You clean as usual in the rhythm that you want to clean. Put them in the run with their hideys and dirty cosies during that time (that makes it smell like home and they love to burrow through it) and cover the run with a blanket to give them a feeling of safety; guinea pigs do not like feeling exposed.

Create a special little melody to announce the clean so your piggies learn what is up and can brace for it.
Use our pick up tips for transport to and fro: How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

Give them a little onceover check on the way home with lavish praise and some whispering tips to also get them used to health checks. Handle their paws so they get familiar with nail cutting manipulation before you do it. Create another melody for transport home - for mine that is always the sign that their ordeal is over, whether that is a health check, a vet visit, a cuddle or a lawn trip!
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The more rituals you can create and the more they can learn to anticipate, the easier they will come round. When you create your calls keep in mind that guinea pigs react more to the tone and melody than to the actual words. Be generous with encouragement and praise; they'll soak it up.
What lovely advice wiebke.

I have been pleasantly surprised at how well my new guinea pigs have adapted to our routine. I always say 'time to hoover' and 'all finished'.

My trio, who have been with me for some time now know those phrases and many others including 'would you like some gwass'?

I cleaned out my new single sow on day 2, after I had observed her rea tion to the hoover the day before. I have a hand held hoover to pick up the poos!

My 2 new sows (youngsters) will be properly cleaned tomorrow ie on their third day with me. They had a spot clean today.

Good luck!