Anniversary Herd
She certainly does! I'm surprised she's still in the land of the living tbh. We very nearly lost her in lockdown. But she is still soldiering on.....Enjoy your pampering Meg. You deserve it
She always has done right from the day she was born. She was a timid little thing when her Mum DA BOSS Velvet was around but when Velvet went to The Rainbow Bridge, Meg's personality was allowed to blossom.She’s an oldie who really knows her own mind. Go for it, Meg!
She certainly is that!Aw good girl Meg you sassy little diva! x
What a lovely photo. For a moment I thought there was a sixth piggy lurking at the back but realised it was someone's floofy butt!Meg is the last one of my original five piggies.
Here are the original 5
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Cutey Pie Dennis, The Ever Beautiful Betsy, DA BOSS Velvet, Silver Fox Christian and Shy Little Meg