when should i separate them?

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penny pony

Hi there!

I have 3 boars who have been together since they were very young and seemed to all get along fine. in the past few weeks, one boar, alfie has started to pick on Oscar who now has a few little bite marks on his bum. oscar is continuously teeth chattering and rumbling at alfie and there has been lots of mounting etc.

they are obviously both fighting to be top pig but it seems oscar won't back down. the other day i saw them go for each other and they became a fighting ball of fur for a few seconds although no one was hurt.

will they sort it out? when should i intervene and take out oscar? (alfie and the other boar jimmy get on fine). i'm worried oscar will become lonely even though he is being bullied.

any help appreciated!
i think i would seperate them now :( couldnt you get another pig for Oscar? :)
I'd agree seperate them now maybe split their cage so they can still see each other and if they persist put in seperate hutches
Good Luck x
Once they start actually fighting (biting and scratching each other) they should be separated. It may only have to be temporary. Depending on their age, teenagers usually fight more due to homones. You may want to separate them with a cage splitter and then reunite later. It may or may not work out. Sometimes the water bottle technique works to settle them down. Just get a water spray bottle and give them a spritz of discipline when they do anything unapproved.
odd numbers are NEVER good for piggies O0 you have three piggies so 2 can gang up on the one, when they draw blood or bite eachother and two fluff balls become one it is time to seperate before one gets hurt. as suggested maybe take oscar to a rescue and let him pick out a friend for himself. good luck with your boys and welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send your boys :-* :-* :-*
I took an older boy to choose a friend, a 6wk old baby. All was well for approx 4wks then he started to bully the baby :(
I put the young one with another laid back boar and all was well until this week; Irving is hitting the teens and rumbling all the time, Hamish is not impressed one bit & is chattering non-stop.

Although a full on fight hasn't yet started i'll be separating them because Hamish is miserable & hides away :(
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