When Should He Start Squeaking?

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Sergio's mum

New Born Pup
Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
Manchester, UK.
Hi, I brought my beautiful new guinea pig Sergio home from the adoption centre today ( about 4 hours ago). Thanks to all the great information on here I know he is nervous by nature and have followed all advice as to letting him settle an not crowding him. I'm just wondering when he should start squeaking? He is exploring his new home and stopping for little lie down breaks and seems happy enough.
Also after reading some of the posts here about bedding I have opted for news paper instead of sawdust and his is chewing it, just want to check this is ok and doesn't put him at risk at all.
Thanks for reading and maybe I'm being a bit over cautious as a first time mum but I just want him to be as happy and healthy as possible here as he has already had one home that didn't work out and he deserves the best :-)
Thanks again.
Hi you, welcome to the forum.

Does he have a hides house in his cage? Pigs like somewhere to hide and feel safe. He will probably find us voice in a week or so as he feels confident and you gain his trust.

Have a read of these threads for lots of good advice and pointers
Diet overview http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/...or-a-balanced-general-guinea-pig-diet.116460/
Diet http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/...veg-and-fruit-list-with-vitamin-c-grading.42/
What piggies need http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/getting-a-guinea-pig-items-youll-need-to-buy.112288/
Settling piggies http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/faq-how-do-i-settle-shy-new-guinea-pigs.36239/

As regards to bedding, have a read of this thread or ideas http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/bedding-for-guinea-pigs-overview.114219/

Have you thought of getting Sergio a friend at some point?

Could you add your location to your profile as it helps tailor any advice to your location as we have members from all over the world.

Welcome once again.
Thanks for the reply :-)
I will have a read of the threads you suggested,
Unfortunatly Sergio's partner died which is part of the reason he ended up in the adoption centre. The vets there have advised that he will now be best suited in a one piggie household with a mirror and lots of love and attention. But I will be keeping a close eye on his behaviour to check if this changes.
Thanks for all the advice, it's great to be able to read all these posts from people who really know their piggies.
It took my piggies a few wheeks (sorry couldn't resist) to find their voices! I think its something that will come with time. However I had one pig that never really made a sound. :)
Good point, Caviequeen. I had a piggie years ago as a child and he was constantly chattering away. I suppose I will get more used to Sergio's personality over the next few days and get to know what's normal for him, thanks for the advice.
Unfortunatly Sergio's partner died which is part of the reason he ended up in the adoption centre. The vets there have advised that he will now be best suited in a one piggie household with a mirror and lots of love and attention. But I will be keeping a close eye on his behaviour to check if this changes.
Thanks for all the advice, it's great to be able to read all these posts from people who really know their piggies.
Sadly this bit of advice is untrue.
Guinea pigs are herd animals and should always be kept in 2 or more. In Switzerland its even illegal to own a single piggie.
Boars are the harder of the two to bond but I've had many boars in my time and only two have fell out because both wanted to be dominant.
I'd suggest either visiting a rescue and seeing if they do 'boar dating' to get him a friend or if you can't get to a rescue, try and get him a little friend. If he is young - which he probably will be from a pet shop- then it'll be during his hormonal teenage months that you will see if he and the new piggie will fall out.
I'm sorry you were given that bad advice. I've had a lot of petshops say similar things when I've been looking around in the past and it saddens me they give such wrong advice.
Thanks for the advice, would you suggest trying to find him a mate straight away or leaving him some time first?
I will definitely be reading more into this subject.
Should probably say he is estimated to be 6 months old and the information form the adoption centre suggested me might not have had much attention at his last home, which will not be the case here.
Thanks for the advice, would you suggest trying to find him a mate straight away or leaving him some time first?
I will definitely be reading more into this subject.

It will take a bit of time to set up a date at a good rescue, so you can start anytime! Your best bet is likely Milhaven in Keighley, which a number of members have used successfully for boar dating single/bereaved boars of theirs. You will be in very exerienced and safe hands there!

It would be great of you could find Sergio a friend of his choice! please be aware that two boars will need a minimum of 2x4 ft, but ideally 2x5ft space, so they can get away from each other at need.

Just to prove the point that adult boars can be rebonded, but why dating for character compatibility is so important, you may want to have a look at this thread from another rescue here: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/boar-dating-service-wales.59233/
Sadly, by far not all rescues (or vets) are piggy savvy enough for this! By the way, we also have have to a UK pigy savvy vets locator on the top bar.

Alternatively, he is at the right age for neutering now provided you can find a piggy savvy vet with good experience in piggy neutering; this is crucial in minimising the risk of otherwise still rather common post op complications. He will need a full 6 weeks post op wait until he is ready to find his dream girl or two, ideally again by dating at a rescue. I have got a surprise baby courtesy of a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post op boar living with me, just to prove that particular point. Cross gender bondings are the most stable of all, so with the right vet, it might be worth a consideration!
Take your time and do your research into boar dating vs neutering first as well as any changes re. housing. Sergio will keep until you decide what is the best way forward for him! But he is going to be one delighted and busy piggy at some point thanks to a very loving mummy! ;)

PS: You can upload your avatar, the picture that appears with every post you make by clicking on your username on the top bar, then go to avatar. Most of us use a piggy picture.
If you wish to post a big picture of Sergio, you may find the tutorial video on doing so helpful: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/videos/
I can't wait to take some pictures of him :-) just don't want to crowd over him just yet
I will definitely read up and make a decision about what's best when I know all the info
Also wanted to ask, I sometimes use plug in air fresheners, are these ok to use near him? Ive read guinea pigs have very sensitive respiratory systems so would rather be safe than sorry
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