When Is Enough?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2015
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Hi. I put back the boars in the gridded cage with the divider.
As i told @Wiebke
So there in the cage with the divider and nibbles is blowing air out his nose alot. And is teeth chattering through the bars trying to fight moo.
When is enough? And should i put a coroplast sheet in there? Over the divider.

They recently had to go to the vet. Nibbles healed from his abcess and moo got his ear slit open at the vet.

And recently got into a biting frenzy dog pitt bull fight.
@Critter ?
Moo is rumbleing and middle of rumbling he is crying. And when he does this nibbles goes crazy and runs to the bar divider trying to break it open. Nibbles teeth chatters and fight stances at moo through bars
Hiya, glad Nibbles is healed up now.

The thing is it's so very difficult to know what to do in a love-hate relationship like your piggies appear to have. The problem as you know is they can't live together but don't want to be apart, yet they try to fight through the bars, yet when you cover the divider they are not happy.

It appears that there is no solution, and although you had to try different things, it is also perhaps stressing them out by making so many changes, even though you had no choice but to experiment with different options.

Yours has been a 'can't win no matter what you try' scenario, and I'm very sorry that this has happened.

I am no piggy expert, especially with males, and other people do have much more experience than I, but perhaps the last thing to try is to put a finer mesh onto the divider so they can see and smell each other but cannot poke their noses through at all, not even a bit. If they still show aggression towards each other and are stressed at the fact that the other exists, then I think it is time to board it up completely and let them have their period of withdrawal, which may involve some form of depression and grief for them. It should pass however, and they should become used to it and adjust.

I would say try the very fine mesh and give it time, perhaps a couple of weeks or more for them to settle and if they still 'hate' each other through the mesh then board it up.

Perhaps someone else can think of something else? xx
Great idea @Critter thankz for replying.
Ill look at ebay for the mesh.
If they fight even with the mesh ill board kt up completely makes me so mad lol.
And my sister guinea pig died last night he had a heart attack so she wants to gice me her food and hhy but j was trying to tell her to keep it snd trt and get another one.

anyways it may take me a couple of weeks to get some mesh if they keep fighting theough the bars should i put up a divider in the mean time. It looks like nibbles is stressed because moos back and mad.
How ever moo goes to the bar and bites it because hes agitated and wants in. He misses his friend. And nibbles is mad.

Thinking baxk when i first got them this was never knew it just now exploded to such level.
Moo was being bullied and i think they fought while i wasent home and maybe thats how nibbles had his abcess
I looked on the internet and ebay i did not find any mesh that you were talking about. Is there any under 15usd?
Great idea @Critter thankz for replying.
Ill look at ebay for the mesh.
If they fight even with the mesh ill board kt up completely makes me so mad lol.
And my sister guinea pig died last night he had a heart attack so she wants to gice me her food and hhy but j was trying to tell her to keep it snd trt and get another one.

anyways it may take me a couple of weeks to get some mesh if they keep fighting theough the bars should i put up a divider in the mean time. It looks like nibbles is stressed because moos back and mad.
How ever moo goes to the bar and bites it because hes agitated and wants in. He misses his friend. And nibbles is mad.

Thinking baxk when i first got them this was never knew it just now exploded to such level.
Moo was being bullied and i think they fought while i wasent home and maybe thats how nibbles had his abcess

Give the boys a couple of days to settle down next to each other and then evaluate again. Even my neutered boars gnaw the grids and wind each other up after they had an accidental encounter during roaming time. But tempers usually calm down after a few days and it stays on "boar haka" show-off level.
What if i bought glass grids. Same size as grids and fits in the grid connectors.
Its plastic-e glass and they could have a divider and glass?
Plus no chewing. Let me show some pictures
Like perspex/plexiglass?
It's an idea, though I was thinking with a fine mesh they could smell and hear each other better, and communicate through nasal sniffing and may be better if it turns out that they still want to socialise, something you won't know for a few weeks after trying to see if they settle down. Plexi-glass/Perspex is expensive.

I'll see if I can link you to some finer mesh.
this is the type of stuff I mean, you can find fine metal mesh when you search for 'reptile mesh'
I know this is a UK link but as I say, search those key-words and hopefully you'll find some :)
Having worked with this stuff myself I can tell you it's easy to cut to shape, but sharp as heck, so you do need a way of securing something around all of the edges for safety.
I would like to link @Wiebke to see what she thinks of the idea as a way of letting them be near each other and nasal-graze without being able to nip each other's noses.
this is the type of stuff I mean, you can find fine metal mesh when you search for 'reptile mesh'
I know this is a UK link but as I say, search those key-words and hopefully you'll find some :)
Having worked with this stuff myself I can tell you it's easy to cut to shape, but sharp as heck, so you do need a way of securing something around all of the edges for safety.
I would like to link @Wiebke to see what she thinks of the idea as a way of letting them be near each other and nasal-graze without being able to nip each other's noses.

That mesh is a great idea. Guinea pigs depend a lot on their noses, which is one of their stronger senses, so it would be good if they had proper all senses interaction, which they wouldn't have with glass. You can wrap the mesh around a piece of wood, flatten any sharp bits and then secure the wood to the grids with several cable ties, taking care that the side with the rough end is facing outwards and away from the guinea pigs. I would also recommend to staple it to a wooden baton on the floor for added stability in order to prevent the boys from wiggling underneath.
Sh*t. I just added glass. I wasnt able to read your comments because i also put up a door.
The side isnt glass its coroplast

Also they dont have much toys now because of nibbles blood and pus from his abcess on everything i threw away so right now i switch there toys, well today i switched there houses and they both started teeth chattering.
Moo teeth chatterd because he did not likenthe house or something and nibbles teeth chatterd because he heard moo.
So i switched there homes back,
Is there any reason why moo runs away from sounds like a war veteran and when he eats he slowly goes to it and has a serious face on him and when he hears the slightest sound he runs off and hides.
And when i feed him veggies he will leave it there for hours but then he will grab it and dash into his house with it.
Maybe he smelt him on the house? oh dear, you do have your hands full! I have 10 guinea's and I think their an hand full at times but I feel a bit sorry for you going through this with your guinea's.
They could probably smell each other on the houses, so teeth chattered in case they had invaded the other's territory. If you can get cardboard boxes they can make interesting dens. none-fray material hanging down in strips make good play-hidies without taking up floor space. The inner tubes from toilet rolls stuffed with hay can keep them amused for ages, and plain paper bags filled with hay and nuggets for them to rummage through, again, can really keep them amused. I'm sorry you are having to keep buying things, so I'm trying to think of ways that are cheap or even free to keep your little guys happy.
Please look through threads that other people have made about enrichment and toys, you may get some inspiration from these :)
Its just amuses me when they would cuddle up and sleep in the same house and play together.
Moo will run away and hide at everything and nibbles will come to me willingly no fear.

But when i pick them up moo will purr and lay down on me and nibbles will try and run away or go under my chin or behind my neck.
Nibbles is verry hyper. But he is younger
Was trying to find cheap toys for them but nothings under 7usd lol.
I had a roller paper tube. Cut holes in it and filled it with hay
Improvisation is good, you don't have to spend money. Rolled up newspaper can be a toy, honest, as long as it's black and white and none-glossy. I read the ink is soya based and lots of people have tried this as toys.
I have learned a lesson when it comes to buying pet toys, no matter what the animal, and that's to go with something washable, or can cope with some disinfected (I do have some smooth wood tunnels that do), then you are not wasting your money.
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