Junior Guinea Pig
Hi. I put back the boars in the gridded cage with the divider.
As i told @Wiebke
So there in the cage with the divider and nibbles is blowing air out his nose alot. And is teeth chattering through the bars trying to fight moo.
When is enough? And should i put a coroplast sheet in there? Over the divider.
They recently had to go to the vet. Nibbles healed from his abcess and moo got his ear slit open at the vet.
And recently got into a biting frenzy dog pitt bull fight.
@Critter ?
As i told @Wiebke
So there in the cage with the divider and nibbles is blowing air out his nose alot. And is teeth chattering through the bars trying to fight moo.
When is enough? And should i put a coroplast sheet in there? Over the divider.
They recently had to go to the vet. Nibbles healed from his abcess and moo got his ear slit open at the vet.
And recently got into a biting frenzy dog pitt bull fight.
@Critter ?