When is best to handle?

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Feb 24, 2010
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Had the three wee piggies for 2 and a bit weeks now and sometimes they seem quite happy to be lifted and cuddled - well two of them do - Muffin is very wriggley and not easy to catch! other times they seem really frightened and don't want to sit still. So when is best? After they've had some veggies? When they are active or when they are sleepy? Any time of day better then others? Just looking for some advice that'll help them feel happier - I don't want them to connect cuddle time with being disturbed or being unhappy.
not really an answer but sometimes mine will sit for ages quite happily and other times they dont want to know i think like us sometimes they just want to be left alone. :)
I would simply try and establish a firm routine with certain words and melodies, so your piggies know what's up and are prepared for it; but you can do it so it fi's into your and your children's day.

Many guinea pigs do not like being picked up; it has nothing to do with you. Piggies do not like being grabbed when fast asleep, as that can send them in a panic. I would also wait until they have had a digestive sleep after a big meal, so you are less in danger of being peed and pood upon.
Try to keep a treat specially for cuddle time and use the same word/phrase when they are being picked up each time. Turn it into an event, a nice time, a treat time, with happy noises and chompy food. Try to pick up at around the same time every day at first, make it easy for them to expect the happy cuddle time. Only ever give that treat in the cuddle - that makes the cuddle special. Piggies respond to happy cuddles, loving cuddles, forming a real bond with you over time.

I've currently got Carmina (foster mum) and Chamomile (now three months old I think) in a cuddle together in between me and the laptop, between my arms, resting on the desk. To turn it into a precious time I am simply talking to them, kissing them on the head, stroking and basically paying them attention. This is enough, because Carmina is five now so she knows all about cuddles and what's expected. They just like the attention! However, although Carmina stays still to be picked up now (old hand) Chamomile has to be backed into a corner and held quite firmly (but very gently) and she isn't happy until she is with Carmina. So time and repeated cuddles will help!

I agree, routine routine routine. They recognise your voice, mine squeak more when they hear hubby because they get more food from him than me. It's taken me ages for mine to settle down after I adopted them, they were handled by young girls. Plus when I walk into their room I always talk to them so they know it's me, otherwise they scatter. It will come, they won't necessary happily wander into your hands when it's play time but they do get used to it. Mine now strike a pose when they are getting lifted out. Bizzare....
one of my piggies has realy responded well to first a quick stroke on her neck she now knows whats comming when i do this and braces herself for the lift bless her! i wish her sister meg would take a leaf out of her book!
You could also try putting a cuddle sak in the cage and letting them run it to it so that you can then lift the lot, which sometimes makes the pig more relaxed as this way you are not piking them up as such more the cuddle sak with them in it.

I have had a few fosters that will not let me pick them up but are very happy to walk into the saks and wait for me to pick it up.lol
picking up

yes, thanks. two of them seem to like being stroked a wee bit then they calm down for the lift and I have made little fleece 'pockets' from a blanket that I use for the other one but she hides way down inside and only pops up when she wants to be put back I think! Necessity is the mother of invention! And then sometimes the timing is obviously all wrong for them and they struggle to get away...still learning...
naboo has been better when he is looking for his carrots because he knows he will get food on us lol
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