When I Hand Feed The Guinea Pigs, One Nicks It All...what Should I Do?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
I've been feeding the babies glasshouse lettuce since Sunday, and as I hoped, as of yesterday, both come and take it from my fingers, which is great. My gentle, curious black one has trusted me since Monday, and was the first to come over and interact with me. Since then, the playful, clownish, and kind of bossy ginger one has realised that if he comes over, he gets food. He's a lot of fun, and he's so delightfully cheeky, climbing the bars every so often to see if I'm coming back with more food BUT the black one never gets a look-in now, as even when he takes some from me, the ginger one nicks it and runs. Obviously, not all the veg is hand fed, but what should I do? I want to feed both. With the cerebral palsy I only have use of one hand, I don't want my black one to feel like his cage mate is favoured over him.
Try feeding then both at once at opposite ends of their cage & if the ginger one is taking the other one's food try halving their food into separate bowls at opposite ends. Weigh them weekly to make certain they're not losing weight.
I give my dominant greedy sow hers first so she won't cause chaos. After I can quickly give food to the other two while she's occupied and won't steal theirs.
They have veg in 2 piles and both get that, it's just when I'm hand feeding extra treats :)
When one of mine was ill I used to take her out & give her extra food before putting her back with the others when I put their veggies in. If you find that one isn't putting weight on then this could be a short term answer.
This sometimes happens with my two and there isn't always much I can do about it, Sam takes his veg, abandons it (usually somewhere I can't get it back) and steals Frodo's off him!

What you could try is giving a veg which will take them a little more time to eat so the 2nd pig has time to get his before the 1st one is finished theirs. Of course it only works if they really like the veg and a lot of the harder veg are to be fed in small or occasional doses. It works well with mine using brocolli, babycorn, and carrot. Another thing I do, is put the veg in opposite sides of my hand to spread it out a bit for them so they have to come to separate sides of my hand, although I'm aware with your cp that might not be pratical. In time both your boys will gain enough confidence to feed off you at the same time, it's just tricky at the moment because their building their confidence at a different rate! Is their any way maybe one of your carers could help you hand feed at the moment so you're at separate sides of the cage, just until they get used to hand feeding and sharing the food equally!
I hand feed them some bits then scatter the rest round the cage with the six in.The four I can put the veg in a pile and they all sit round it.
Greedy one out the way first is always the best.
Occasionally if the greedy ones come back I push them back with the back of my hand before letting her have more.

Just have to balance one impatient piggie while making sure the others get some hehehehe
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My piggies are exactly the same! Alfie is also a quick eater so Toby doesn't get half of his fair share. What I do is fill the veggie bowl up and then hand feed the one who doesn't get as much food, this also helps to form trust and the greedy piggy is eating too. Hope this helps :)
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