When does this behaviour stop?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire
I have noticed my 2 have these moments where they seriously rumblestrut and make the angry noises then they are fine again. This happens sometimes when both want to get in bed, or when there is food. I really can't tell if it is all one sided, I notice Hoggle is out the most but he is braver than Ludo anyway, or maybe Ludo has thrown him out, although when it comes to food, Hoggle is the first to it then Ludo comes out and sometimes pulls food out of his mouth, or Hoggle will shout at him as if to say get away but then they happily eat together and popcorn.

It doesn't always happen, from what I see they get on 90% of the time. Does this sound like normal behaviour or is there some bullying going on?

They are 4 months old today. :)
This is normal piggy behaviour. Even my sows steal food from each other or throw another one out from a prized spot. No hard feelings!

Your boys are coming up to the "naughties" where they will be at their most hormonal or macho especially between 4-6 months. Usually they calm down a lot once the stop growing and turn into full adults around or after 1 year old.
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Thanks Wiebke! I just read my post back and laughed at Ludo pulling food out of his mouth, I am a mean mummy! :(|)

I have tried giving them separate meals but they end up at the same dish together anyway. rolleyes

Oh god, so I have the hormonal years ahead of me! :o :(|)

Should be entertaining I guess! :<>
With luck, you will get through them - most boar pairs actually do!
my boys do the same, in fact theyre off on one now and its over food,theyll be best friends again in a minute!my boys are about 1 and 1 1/2-2
If they are anything like human males, they will never grow up! rolleyes

I am glad to know it is normal anyway, I couldn't bear to have to part them. Little rascals!

My boys still occasionally runblestrut at one another and theyre almost 4 so guess theyre never going tog row up but as soon as you take one ut the cage the other is up looking for his mate so think they love each other really (maurice moreso that jules as every now and again he tries to hump him lol)
they will go through adolescence and then they will settle into grumpy old men!
Oh dear, they already are grumpy sometimes, when I want a hug usually! :))

Hope my two don't go through a humping stage! Maybe they do and I just don't see it! :o
they will go through it and you have no choice in the matter i am afraid! lol
just leave alone and try not to get the residue on your hands!
just leave them to it
when i used to take my first 2 piggies to have they nails cut i had to explain why patches had a little cut on his nose! becks got excited & humped the wrong way & made a mess on patches face & answer i got from the the nurse was oh
When tango was being bonded with his new pal rolo, rolo mounted tango front on and tango bit his willy and made it bleed! they are best friends now! the joys of having boys! :))
Our two boars used to roll round their hutch locked in combat like a pair of cartoon characters at that age, though there was never any biting or real malice. They are now three, and though Bob occasionally mounts Chris, and Chris sometimes nicks cucumber from Bob's mouth (if necessary stepping over his own cucumber on the way) and they both rumble around looking very impressive and macho (they hope), they are a very devoted couple.
Griff is nearly 6 months old now and was introduced to Celyn just before he turned 4 years old. They are both quite "vocal" and at times they make an awful racket, but when you look, they are as often as not on opposite sides of a very large cage! It's just an animated conversation.

It is quite funny though how they can seem to be at daggers drawn one minute then suddenly it's, "Oh wow, did you see that bit of hay over there?" and all forgotten. :)
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