When Cheeky Met Milky

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
It has been an eventful day for some my boys and Milky has joined our family! Not sure about the name to be honest but then his new partner is called Cheeky so I can't judge really....
I lost Thorn a few weeks ago now after a heartbreaking mystery illness and so Cheeky was left without a cagemate. He has been' talking' to my other boys but he wasn't his usual self so i knew he needed a new partner. He is 4 now but a very young 4 and full of beans.

Cheeky went to visit @pig in the city who does fostering/ bonding for BARC. He met the gorgeous Alfie who was defo my choice (and one of our other pig's uncle!) but Alfie was not keen on Cheeky. So Milky was the next option and it has gone very well with a couple of blips - but due to the luxury of residential boar dating, i have got them after quite a few days together, establishing their bond. They have had a busy day involving going in the car, on the train, a taxi, another car! But they are doing well.

Milky is 2 and has a funny eye and is super friendly. He was an unwanted pet - but we want him! Here he is;-

And here he is with Cheeky - making a nice T shape?

They are doing a lot of bum sniffing (mainly Milky), piggie trains, fair bit of rumbling - not much humping yet but there was at the rescue so that may come later this eve!
Milky tries to be as close to Cheeky as he possibly can - as you can see....

Still a way to go with bonding - they won't move into the piggie room for a few days but we are very pleased to welcome Milky. Yay for boar dating and giving a rescue pig a new family in one!

Thank you @pig in the city for all your patience and help with the boys.
You are welcome @lauraboara, the house seems quiet without the boys. The photos are fantastic. Please feel free to rename Milky, l wondered if he could be Mikey instead? They make a lovely pair and thankyou for supporting BARC xx
The boys are doing OK this morning - some chasing and mild teeth chattering going on when Milky annoys Cheeky but nothing too bad. Fingers crossed for them developing a strong bond.

I know I am biased but I think we should celebrate boar dating that is done carefully - it is great for single boars and rescues (no neutering risk/cost). When I first joined the forum a few years ago there was much more focus on boar dating then there seems to have been recently - perhaps because Suzy from the Glynneath Rescue was an active promoter of boar dating maybe?
Congratulations. I hope they form a lovely strong bond :)
Personally I like the rat look, slightly prefer a pointed nose to a rounded one, but I have never chosen my pigs on looks, so are all very varied (with the exception of Cloud where I had the pick of a friend's litter).
Gotta love the variety in piggies! :)
The boys are doing OK this morning - some chasing and mild teeth chattering going on when Milky annoys Cheeky but nothing too bad. Fingers crossed for them developing a strong bond.

I know I am biased but I think we should celebrate boar dating that is done carefully - it is great for single boars and rescues (no neutering risk/cost). When I first joined the forum a few years ago there was much more focus on boar dating then there seems to have been recently - perhaps because Suzy from the Glynneath Rescue was an active promoter of boar dating maybe?
Boar dating is great but is very time consuming and quite stressful which is why not all rescues offer it, l believe. Its really the only option for older boars, else they have a lonely old age. Glad that they are still ok, l think things will improve as milky calms down, fingers crossed!
UPDATE : Well the boar dating roller coaster has made another turn and unfortunately it has not worked out for Milky and Cheeky. Milky got more confident as he settled into our home and wanted to take the 'top pig' spot and it made Cheeky miserable he lost weight and showed signs of being anxious. They had a couple of tiffs but I tried my best to ignore them but eventually the weight loss in Cheeky decided the outcome. :( So tip for others boar dating, it is a good idea to keep weighing the new pairing in the first few weeks.
So Milky has returned to BARC for a rethink as unfortunately i am at my maximum for housing. We miss him a lot - he is such a happy vocal piggie. Cheeky is putting weight back on by eating hay ALL DAY LONG so he is fine also.
Thanks @pig in the city for all your help. i am sure I will be back for more dating soon :D and I wish Milky all the luck in the world for a new home!
He has settled back here fine @lauraboara. He has really missed out on the chance of a fantastic home but we will find him the right friend. I am glad that Cheeky is back to normal. X
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