When Can I Cage Clean?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
Advice from other sites says leave them alone for four days, but if I don't clean the cage soon it's going to smell, and the bedding's starting to get wet under the hides so it all needs to be changed soon or they'll be sleeping in their own urine. I got them yesterday, how long should I wait?
I'm no expert but I've been in the same position as u :)
I would wait another few days maybe 1/2.
Then check under the hides and if the bedding is really bad, change the bedding under the hides.Are your pigs on shavings?! If so put a thicker layer of shavings down with some hay in the hides for extra absorption. As you said you got your pigs yesterday I would leave them for a few days as they will be terrified about their new surroundings. Make sure u have unlimited Timothy hay for them at all times x
What I would do is when the pigs aren't in one of the houses add fresh shavings over the wet ones, just for a few days so that it's cleaner.

It's all personal preference tho! Do what you think is best for your pigs. Btw guinea pigs don't really smell.
Have fun with your new piggies x
Thanks...I knew I might need to wait...SO...

...they're on safe newspaper, then shredded paper bedding, then guinea litter then hay lol
Wow hah I don't think it should get wet just yet! Hah all tht bedding should absorb it! Just add extra hay in the houses x it's up to u and your personal opinion
If they are getting quite sodden in these areas I would say it's best to change. Wet bedding can cause infection such as respiritory and fungal esp if they are going to end up sleeping in their own urine.They will end up with urine scalds... Imagine a baby sitting in a wet nappy for 2 days. Also not to mention parasites can breed in these areas. They will have their smell around the cage so I doubt it will upset them. Your piggies health is important. Guinea pigs can start to smell if you leave them too long but as I said their health is the most important bit. X
Also it doesn't have to be Timothy hay. A hay such as Orchard or meadow is just as good my boys eat Timothy but love Wilkinsons Meadow hay more and it is alot cheaper! I just bought a huge bag of " Ings " hay which was only 12 pounds and they love that too and that is way cheaper than Timothy. Try a few diff ones and as @helen105281 says it's nice to feed a variety anyway :)
Sorry yeah,@GloriousGuineaGirl is right! (I told u I was no expert:stu:) my boys used to eat Timothy hay all the time and one day decided to buy a bag of meadow hay. They hate Timothy hay now and much prefer the meadow hay. Imagine eating the same thing everyday and have this food taste the same. It would be a lot nicer to mix the hay together. I known have a big storage tub where I mind m&s Timothy hay and meadow hay. She's also right by saying that a piggies health comes first. It's like humans. If it does get extremely wet change it where it needs to be changed.
Thanks guys...any tips on getting them out while they're still frightened of me?
Thanks, I'm sort of hoping J.D. will be nosy enough to come out into the playpen, he's more watchful than frightened, and if he is tempted out then Jekyll will follow not far behind xx
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