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New Born Pup
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Anyone else have a REALLY loud pig? I've had my 2 just under a week now and one of them is SO loud. They "wheek" everytime they hear me coming and it turns into a really loud whistle sound. It sounds as though they are distressed. As I'm new to them I'm not really sure what they want or why they do it? Any experiences would be useful
Wheeking is a sign of excitement. If your little one is doing it as you approach it is likely they think you are bringing food!
Just my own experience but one of my girlies, Pixel, wheeks SO loudly that her little ears flap and her whole body goes into making such a racket! It's usually when there's food involved, whether she's spotted me carrying their food bowls into the room or if she thinks I've forgotten it's breakfast/dinner time...
Youngsters are loudest! I have currently got a trio of little sisters as fosters for TEAS sanctuary... Our house is definitely wheeker alarmed!

You will always get a "wheeker" for any group with the rest of the piggies chiming in, no matter how many piggies you have.
All mine are just wonderful at it. The baby already does it the most, but at least isn't at full volume yet to give me ears a little kindness. :whistle:
i find this with Pearl she is the wheekiest piggy and once she gets going all the others come and join in too :)
Oh good, glad it's no cause for concern! Guinea pigs are so intriguing with all their little noises and funny ways!
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