Wheeking pigs


New Born Pup
Feb 23, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all! I want to know if anyone knows how to satisfy constantly wheeking pig?
So about a month ago my guinea pig got a bad ear infection and she lost balance and appetite - i thought of the worst but she is recovering pretty good since then.
She is eating more than usual which I think she is trying to get the energy and weight back that she lost (she was 1kg before and at one point it became 790g )
One strange thing started happening in last few days is tha she is constantly wheeking. I thought originally she still maybe feeling bad so i went to check on her everytime but when i do that she always comes up to me wheeks more and louder so i do not think she is in pain or anything. It is typical guinea pig 'Give me something' wheek.
I am very confused because she wasn't a loud wheeker type of girl before, but now she just doesn't stop wheeking.
I give her treats, food, hay, pellets - everything that she likes but she still wheeks. I am worried that she maybe want something else and I am not providing it so she is wheeking...
I’m sorry to hear she was unwell.

Piggies learn! If you give her something to eat every time she wheeks, then she will learn to wheek so you give her even more.
Best thing for a demanding piggy is to ignore it. Go and top up or fluff up her hay but don’t give anything else (no treats etc)
Piggies are very good at manipulation. They wheek when they are excited and they wheek to get your attention especially where food is concerned. Guinea pigs are basically appetites with fur.
Piggies are like toddlers! You have to train them out of bad habits. Your girl is just wheeking as she has learned that gets attention and attention could lead to extra food…. So the best thing to do is to ignore her wheeking unless it’s your regular time for giving hay, veggies or cuddles.