wheeking & not wheeking

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2008
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I wonder if anyone could shed some light on this for me. Squeekypete has always been a loud wheeker, his last mate was very quiet, when he died & Squeeky was alone for a while he got louder & would greet anyone who came in, or went to the fridge(they live in the kitchen) to a loud & hearty bellow of a wheek that would make us all laugh. However, now he has a mate, crystal, who has a little, high pitched, girly wheek. She was very quiet for a while but once she grew in confidence & started wheeking more - Squeekypete stopped! and I havent heard him wheek since! he grunts at me at veg time but no wheeks now for a few weeks (parden the pun) Has this happened to anyone else? is it a dominent thing?
I miss his voice! :(
(He's also been neutered I wonder if that would affect his voice)
Hi chick noooo neutering wont do that, mmmm i wonder why?
Maybe he's letting her do all the talking rolleyes:)):))
Maybe he's also getting used to his new friend, i bet if you took Crystal out and took her to another room he'd wheeeeeeeek for her to come back x)
I'm sure someone else will be along soon to help you :)
Well yes he does seem to letting her do the talking! (good man!) I just wondered if that was usual for piggy couples?
Poppet is my very loud girl, but when Sheila first came to live here, who also shouts very loudly, then Poppet went quiet. After a few weeks Pops found her voice again, twice as loud! I just got the impression that if she couldn't be the loudest then she wasn't going to bother at all! LOL

Hey Glynis, do you remember when you phoned her and she wouldn't talk to you! That was just after Sheila arrived!
Well I've never asked him to talk into the phone! praps if someone were to make fridge door noises on the other end...? Maybe the sunshine & fresh grass will get him going again. I do hope something does soon!
You said Poppet looks like Pete, I wonder if smooth lilacs often have loud voices?
Poppet is so small but her voice is soooooooo BIG! LOL

Yes she looks very like Squeekypete. When we met SP when you were on holiday, one of the little girls I childmind was convinced he was Poppet. She kept pointing at him and saying Poppet, even though he is twice the size!

Maybe Crystal just isn't letting him get a word in edgeways! Typical woman!
well my lilly never used to make any noise at all but not she jumps and down and speaks for her food which she never used to do
If anyone came into my kitchen unexpectedly they'd think I was mad, trying to tempt Pete to talk I find myself waving lettuce about & squeeking to him whenever I come in - he always used to answer back - now I'm wondering if I should change his name to Gruntypete!
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