Wheek & Squeak Website

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Bishops Waltham, Southampton, Hampshire
My old website was set up on Freewebs and it is becoming more and more difficult to enter it because of the webs advert.

I have nearly finished my new website which you will find at http://wheekandsqueak.webs.com. If you could amend your records or any links you may have on your website I would be very grateful.

Please bear with me with the new website as there may be some spelling mistakes and a few adjustments to make, but I felt it was important to get the new one up and running asap.

Many thanks

Excellent, how exciting Anna, thanks for letting us know. The guienas and I will have a nose around later! (I had a quick look and LOVE the picture of the guinea by the little bath!)

Cagney and Lacey wheek hi :))

Thats my Humphrey, hes staying here for his holidays at the moment. It was very hard letting him be adopted but he is a fantastic loving home where he gets loads of individual attention.

Anna has the most amazing set up, loads of very happy guineas wanting homes (sadly too many!)...my favourite is a large heated shed with ones who cannot be rehomed as they are too sick or elderly, a kind of guinea sanctuary. They live free range in there and its amazing, they live in the lap of luxury and there must be 20-30? (Anna will confirm it seemed a lot!). They were all so happy and enjoying life in a real herd environment in their latter years.

Safe to say I went there with the intention of adopting 1 sow and came back with 2! All 4 of my guineas came with me to 'choose' their friends and Anna was great at making sure they would all get on and the guineas got a trip out for the day so they were happy.

Sadly I cannot go there too often as the temptation for more is just too high!
There is usually around 30 in there, although sometimes the number has gone higher.

It is very interesting watching this group. There are several sows in there that wont pair up with another sow or neutered boar, but once we put them in the large area with loads of guinea pigs they just seem to fit in and you see no signs of the previous aggression to other pigs.
Fascinating isn't it? I guess its closer to nature and they just 'get on with it'.

I just think its the best sight I have ever seen...so many happy guineas together..priceless.
Love the new website Anna. Give me a shout if you want any help proofing it.
I forgot to say to you when I saw you that Jackie and I were emailing on here a while ago and wanted to know if Cagney is Matilda's baby and Lacey her neice?
Yes Matilda is Cagney's mum and Lacey is her neice.

The group of guinea pigs from that particular rescue are the noisiest pigs Ive ever had here. Well the sows are the boars are very quiet, probably couldnt get a word in edgeways lol.

I just have Matilda's sister and her friend left for rehoming now.

Thank you for the offer regarding the website, will probably take you up on it when I think its finally finished.
Ahh! Our suspicions are correct! How lovely is it that we know where the 'family' are?

Yes Cagney and Lacey are the noisiest, nosiest, funniest piggies I have ever had and now all six of them have followed suit! Whereas I had two talkative guineas now it seems to have extended to all six.... (which I love!).

Cagney is also an amazing climber and will jump onto and off anything and funnily enough, two of the others have learnt to climb from watching her and now climb as well, so I have had to put some 'lids' on my c&c in some places and make sure they cannot hurt themselves! Little monkies.

they have certainly been a huge asset to the herd, fun friendly and non confrontational with the others. They are just wonderful xoxo
Ahh! Our suspicions are correct! How lovely is it that we know where the 'family' are?

Yes Cagney and Lacey are the noisiest, nosiest, funniest piggies I have ever had and now all six of them have followed suit! Whereas I had two talkative guineas now it seems to have extended to all six.... (which I love!).

Cagney is also an amazing climber and will jump onto and off anything and funnily enough, two of the others have learnt to climb from watching her and now climb as well, so I have had to put some 'lids' on my c&c in some places and make sure they cannot hurt themselves! Little monkies.

they have certainly been a huge asset to the herd, fun friendly and non confrontational with the others. They are just wonderful xoxo

I'd like to say Matilda can keep an check that her daughter and niece are being good but she's just as noisy and cheeky as them! You know where they get it from. :))
Yes I blame it completely on Matilda! xx>>> But oh I am so pleased she did rolleyes

Cagney and Lacey are delighted that their Mum/Auntie is so happy and keeping up the good cause of being as noisey and rautious as possible!
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