what’s your piggies favs?

Hi, my little ones diets consist of romaine lettuce, green bell peppers, cucumber, tomatoes and carrots spread out throughout the week. The only thing they get everyday is romaine lettuce. They would eat them all everyday if they could! Greedy little piggies 😂.
'Everything' is what they would say! My girls have issues with calcium so I keep their snacks quite simple. Mostly romaine lettuce, bell pepper, cucumber, coriander and sometimes carrots, which they love oh so much :wub:

In summer they got a small bite of mango. They were really happy that day! But fruits in general tend to be too high in sugar for our pigs, unfortunately.
Mine love all types of lettuce (NOT Iceberg), cucumber, peppers, coriander, aubergine, celery, they never get carrot as they had a lot of carrot in their old home and it's the equivalent of of chocolate in a human diet, they love kale but don't get it as its full of calcium and can lead to bladder stones (again they had a lot of this in their old home), They get the occasional bit of banana and melon skin which they absolutely adore.
My piggies enjoy all lettuces apart from iceberg (which the shouldn’t have) bell peppers, cucumber, coriander and mini sweetcorn they also love green beans but they only have these around 1-2 times a week as well as the mini sweetcorn
Cucumber is regarded as the piggy equivalent of caviar & champagne by Priscilla while Micah’s favourite is a green bean
Ruth and Naomi love food and I haven’t yet found the absolute favourite.
mine like spring greens,lettuce,parsley in moderation.kale once a week,peppers,blueberries once every 2 weeks,plum tomatoes small,peppers.
Coriander followed by peppers. Bonus points if there's seeds still attached
Sweet potato peelings go down well as do parsnip peeling. My boys love the usual cucumber, lettuce, celery, peppers (which they refused at first when we adopted them) and of course coriander. They also like strawberry leaves from the garden, but never touch a strawberry!
The girls would say carrot ... though that's a treat. Broccoli (or more specifically broccolini were a hit. Thin-walled bell peppers are also popular. Apples (special treat) seem to depend on the variety ... cortland are popular. Latte also enjoys green beans; Lexa doesn't think much of them. And yes, lettuce is a favorite! Fresh, homegrown is a huge hit, grocery store/farm stand romaine comes next.