What's Your Favourite Breed?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 17, 2014
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Hi everyone,

I'm going to get my lovely little piggies in mid-August, and I'm facing a problem. Which breed should I get? I'm still not sure, and I've decided to ask you guys. Please tell me your favourite breed, along with 1 reason (or more, if you like). Thanks for your opinion!
I also like the Abyssinian - I have 3 short haired - 1 ridgeback - a ridgeback cross - a satin cross - a roan - but my abby boar just has the most friendly personality and is the most cuddly
Aby has to be my favourite breed but I adore Himalayan and have always wanted one.

Teddy's are another favourite of mine after I got my Matthew. They're such lovely piggies.
crested are my fave. easy to look after, and they look grumpy, cause the crest looks like eyebrows.
I have always found Teddy and Swiss to be the most chilled and relaxed piggies but as others have said, go along and see some piggies and you're bound to fall in love with then :)
I'm a big fan of Abyssinians, i'd love to have one in the future, but i've only had smooth and crested guineas in the past, even though they're just as lovely!

As said before though i'd never pick a pig by breed, it's not like dogs where breed can effect their personality, they're all just as friendly and loving!

Rescued is my favourite breed!
Like most people.. I adore Abyssinians! Because they look adorable and are soo fluffy! I originally wanted them.. But when I saw my boys, I couldn't resist! And they are completely the opposite of Abyssinians!

And I wouldn't change them for anything!
I am new to guinea pigs and had not even held one until I went to the pet shop and saw a lone Abyssinian and after holding her,well that was it, she came home with me.
Then I tried to find another female to keep her company as soon a possible as I had read they become depressed when on their own. A Rex came up for sale from a breeder and so I snavelled her too and they took a bit to bond. Now they are fine.
The Abssinian is more lively and the Rex sooooo clam compared to her and brown. The Rex seems to be far more stocky to hold, like a little wombat really. The Abyssinian is soft and squishy compared when cuddling and, I do not know the name of the colour...ginger?
Both are wonderful to have and I am grateful they have let me hold and love them. Next time though, if anything ever happens to either of them, I will only buy from a shelter or breeder and not the pet shop.
May you habe many wonderful days and nights full of love from them and to you. Byeee
I am new to guinea pigs and had not even held one until I went to the pet shop and saw a lone Abyssinian and after holding her,well that was it, she came home with me.
Then I tried to find another female to keep her company as soon a possible as I had read they become depressed when on their own. A Rex came up for sale from a breeder and so I snavelled her too and they took a bit to bond. Now they are fine.
The Abssinian is more lively and the Rex sooooo clam compared to her and brown. The Rex seems to be far more stocky to hold, like a little wombat really. The Abyssinian is soft and squishy compared when cuddling and, I do not know the name of the colour...ginger?
Both are wonderful to have and I am grateful they have let me hold and love them. Next time though, if anything ever happens to either of them, I will only buy from a shelter or breeder and not the pet shop.
May you habe many wonderful days and nights full of love from them and to you. Byeee

WOW! Very informative, thanks!
I have two Peruvian and they were my first breed, thinking back I would probably gone for a easier breed but they are super cute and I wouldn't change them for the world. Abyssinians are in my top 5 though defiantly !
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