I don’t got a vet and I don’t live near any possible ones.Please have her seen by a vet so her skin can be properly checked
I live with my mother. She could help.I’m sorry to hear that
I’m afraid we can’t tell from a photo what may have caused the bald spot - there are any number of things which can cause it but we can’t diagnose nor tell you what the treatment may be.
Are there any rescue centres, or anybody who can help you find a vet?
I live with my mother. She could help.
thanksHope you managed to find somewhere where she will be seen.
It was flies that got to her. Shes alright now. Shes recovering .Hello it looks a bit pink and sore. Did you manage to get a vet to take a look? It must be so hard living in a country where vets are not so easily accessible.
Thank you!Brilliant. I’m pleased she is recovering.