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What's This Lump?

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Rubys cafe

Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
My boy has had this lump for a few weeks. When I first saw it I thought it was a splinter so I gently pulled it out. I bathed it and it was fine then I noticed it again yesterday it's come back.
I'm calling the vet monday to book an appointment
Anyone had one of these? image.webp
Is it just above his lips? it could be some kind of cyst but you are right to get it checked. Other possibility is Chelitis but it doesn't really look like that to me.
Yes it's at the top of his lip. He doesn't seem bothered by it he actually lets me touch it and look at it closely!
He's 3 years old bit of a fat guinea with loads of character.
It looks cyst like actually, are these easily removed? I'm worried now
He will be going to the vets monday
I think so, though the vet may think it is best to leave it be if it is not bothering him. If not then I believe they can be removed under local anaesthetic.
I've just been reading up about lumps around the lips and a few times he's had what looks like crusty cornflake flake on his lower lip and then it's gone. Could be a wart too from what I read on line. Anyway I'll get him looked at
My texel Evangeline had a crusty wart on her upper lip which looked similar but you are right to get it checked.
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